You, My wonderful champions of light, are doing a phenomenal job in holding on to the space of love and safety for everyone… Channeled by Genoveva Coyle.
Greetings My sweet Annas! I am Universal Mother Mary, Mother of change and of the new ways, Mother of hope and love, Mother of all.
I am here with thee, My dearest children. I am here to hold you in My warm embrace and in My heart. I am here to reassure you that you are on the straight path of light and that you are doing extraordinarily well.
No one ever said that riding My Tsunami of Love would be an easy task, but you, My wonderful champions of light, are doing a phenomenal job in holding on to the space of love and safety for everyone, bringing hope and peace while extending your heart and help to those in need.
Everyone feels peaceful in your presence. Everyone feels way better after being nurtured and embraced by your loving and invigorating energy.
It is your selfless giving nature, it is that desire to serve and assist others that makes you get out of bed and gives you the strength to keep on going, even when you feel exhausted and wiped out by the intense energies and the fatiguing effects of the ceaseless release and purging of the old. This is why even when you find yourself low and somehow confused by the unfolding of the events in your journey, you seek to assist and give comfort to others first, not out of obligation and martyr-hood, but because you understand the Universal Laws; you remember that it is in the giving that you are receiving without even asking and expecting anything in return.
It takes only a few seconds to shift your focus by giving and sending unconditional love to someone outside yourselves and then you are being filled in an instant with strength and stamina.
It could be easier for any of you to turn to Me and to ask for assistance and fortitude, or from your brothers and sisters in the higher realms, individually or from the entire Council of Love. But it feels even more satisfying and empowering to be able to access that omnipresent Source on your own and then to bring down onto yourselves and others that love and energy that you may need in every moment.
This doesn’t mean that you are being careless, not mindful of your own needs or issues, and that you are placing others’ needs above yours. Not at all, dearest ones! What you do is really opening your hearts and allowing the love flow, thus reaching out into the heart of your soul brothers and sisters with genuine desire and intention to comfort and uplift them, and to assist in a detached manner and for the highest good of all involved.
This is what brings you and the recipient of your loving thoughts into the heart of the One. This is how you become aligned with the Divine Will immediately. And since your heart is wide open, you receive the strength, the wisdom and the knowing to face the obstacles and the growing pains of your expansion; and without having to focus directly on fighting or resisting them.
This is how you bypass your ego. This is how you assist others who will be feeling a tremendous impact and energetic shift from being uplifted into the heart of the One, even if there might not be a visible and significant physical improvement in their immediate reality.
You are doing it, my dearest ones, you are bringing and channeling My love and light to everyone! You are fulfilling your deepest desires and My dream, just as you have promised.
You are so loved and appreciated, you are honored and cherished more than you would ever imagine.
I will leave you in peace, though I am with you always!
By Permission.
© 2017 Council of Love, Inc.
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