Sanat Kumara via Grace Solaris, December 20th, 2017
Public announcement by Sanat Kumara
This is Sanat Kumara I take this opportunity to come forward now to announce that you beloved children of light have completed your mission…. we have reached quantum mass. Victory to the light. The Resurrection has begun, the return of the Christ en masse is actualized this very moment. Each one of you will become to feel yourself as part of the bigger whole. The veils within are lifting as the christ-mas codes for completion of ascension are pouring in by divine decree thru the Resurrection Solstice portal. Even if in this moment you feel lost, in pain, or in fear…. trust this is the beginning of the end. A new star is birthed, the christed star within your heart will now start to shine as ONE and show your path, your mission, though you may still feel doubtfull this very moment, know and feel in your heart it´s a new dawn. As divine union is created within your heart, duality is breaking, a new consciousness is born. You have done well beloved ones, you have come a long way, now you may rest before the great celebration. The return of the bewinged ones is now. All celestial forces and star nation alliances are gathered to usher in this divine annointment of the cosmic christ in all… whether you are consciously aware of it or not. It is an offering, an invitation to choose the light, to choose love and let all else behind. It is given freely, thy that chooses is the chosen one. The 144000 is the christ code of the cosmic christ, the vibration and emanation of elohim, which you came here to anchor. Kodoish kodoish kodoish. It is done, it is done. Victory to the light. ~ Sanat Kumara with Grace Solaris
I am still overlighted by Sanat Kumara… actually this cannot be put into words…. but I can say that this is the moment we have been waiting for FOR SURE…. it is done and the celebrations can begin.
Note: To those who are not familiar with beloved Sanat Kumara, here an introduction: