A Planet in Transition

A Planet in Transition

Greetings! From heart to heart in this moment we speak, I am Kejraj(KayRy).

“Nothing can stop what’s coming.” The thing is that the majority of the people who say that in reality have no idea what’s coming. They only say that with the hope of some political savior coming along and bringing back society to the old normal, and punishing the perpetrators.

Allow us to tell you that it is not what is “coming.” It is what’s unfolding in these very moments, everything that you see is part of a grand shift taking place, where Earth and humanity transcend the Third Dimensional matrix, and enter a new realm of light. Where the Divine “normal” ways are the energies of that reality; peace, harmony, prosperity, and unity.

You are a planet in transition. You are leaving behind a world built on duality, deceit, and self appointed “masters.”

“Nothing can stop what’s coming.” This is true. For what is coming emerges with the will of the Divine Radiant Creator. The upliftment of humanity and Earth into a new realm.

Please understand, in order for you to transcend the old world, and enter the new, you must release the energies of fear, and not seek to hold on to the old which was put in place to enslave and limit you.

No one is going to save the old ways of life, and prevent the system from collapsing. For it was designed with an expiration date, which you are quickly approaching.

Your options are; Let go, embrace the change, uplift into the higher frequencies of light, and join Mother Earth on her next stage of evolution.

The other option is, spend your days with false hope for a life of forty to fifty hours a week of slavery, remain part of the matrix as you sink into further limitation and enslavement.

Love, Divine freedom, and expansion.

Fear, illusory freedom, and limitation.

The choice is yours, always.

We ask that you return to your inner essence, to the purity of love within your Heart Center, and open up to a reality of paradise.

All the light to You!
