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Greetings Emanuel and Pastora, I salute you, I bless you from my heart. I wanted to bring you a short, but very important message tonight. I want you to understand and interpret it in the light of your heart. With the greatest love I want to tell you, that it is important to achieve this internal process, this process of ascension. In the inner work that everyone must do, it is necessary to let go of attachments and fear should not form part of life.
Attachment is not that I don’t love him anymore, I don’t care anymore, no. The attachment is that I could already be or live without that person, without that job, without that relationship, or in something special. We get attached to everything, and it has been characteristic of this control matrix to induce us to attachments, to attachments in every sense. Family attachments, parents taking stand over children as belonging. And I’m not saying this is wrong, no, the thing is that each person is a being that comes in a process. This being is looking for a place to be born, looking for parents, but it is a soul agreement.
It’s sometimes difficult to make parents understand that children are not our possessions and we get attached. And they cling to them like possessions, and it’s not that I say they don’t want them anymore, or that they don’t care anymore, no, that’s not the idea, the idea is that everyone has to live their lives, knowing that we fulfill a function until a moment. And our children that we call ours, are children of Father and Mother, they are souls that are in the process of evolution.
Then I tell you, just as I set this example with the children, I also give them attachment to material things. How important it is to detach from everything. Whether we have a car or not, we have a house or not. We get attached with great power to those material things, and I’m not saying that they don’t love them, that they don’t want them and that they don’T enjoy them, yes, but not with that attachment.
Attachment is synonymous with fear. Afraid that my children leave, afraid if tomorrow I won’t be on this plan, if tomorrow I can lose my job, afraid if tomorrow my partner leaves, my if tomorrow I don’t have to eat, afraid of the future. Those fears lower our whole vibration and attachments too. Because fear and attachment go hand in hand.
I tell you my beloved, not to let go of everything, no. The idea is that they can have it, they can enjoy it, they can live it, but without attachment, without fear.
Raise your vibration, rise above all of this, so that you can go calibrating to the higher matrix connecting to true reality, to the abundance of the Universe, to real life.
Beloved, this was the message I wanted to give you. And I want you to reflect from your heart, keep loving your children, your spouse, your work, your things, but without attachment, you can do it without attachment. I bid farewell, meditate and think, if tomorrow they don’t have this or that, that’s the attachment.
I’m Lady Nada, I love them with all my heart. I give you this instruction so that you all move on the path of light and you can free yourself, let go of all those fears and all those attachments that don’t let you rise.
Blessings peace and love to all.
Emanuel and Pastora – ServIUM
ERKS – 16/10/2024
Commanders Ishtar and Ashtar