PALAS ATENA GODDESS OF TRUTH ~ 2025 Will Be The Foundational Year Of Great Changes In Earth.
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Everything that has happened on the planet. This has been a year of big changes, of big transformations. It has been the year for this humanity to react, purify, clean. Next year will come with more strength, more push. Everything lived will increase this year. Solar flares, planetary transmutations, elemental transmutations and changes in climate and meteorological conditions will increase.
Next year will be a year where there will be a lot of shortages in some food sections. It will be the year to bring forth, it will be a year of great news, with great information, with great breakthroughs.
Let no one get confused. Transmutations are necessary. Everything has been carefully planned and everything is influenced by electromagnetic forces, by energetic forces. Everything is orchestrated to make it happen the way it’s happening, the way it should. There is no error, no improvisation, everything is going as it should be. Truth will always be truth. No one should be swayed by business bullies. Everything happens because it does.
It’s all a planned plan. If it had not been for example, for all this archontic invasion humanity would have continued to sleep in its comfort zone, back in the day. I would have continued, but this served as a remedy, for everyone to begin their awakening process.
Not everything is bad if you look at it from the point of benefit that such situation has brought you. If we see it in the glass light, it will reflect the color we want to see.
I tell you this, the dark forces have done a lot of damage to the planet, but it has served for humanity to wake up and seek liberation, seek the paths for its process of spiritual ascension, all guided and assisted by intelligences, by superior brothers. Superior by frequency levels in which they move and work, by the Galactic Brothers, by Father Mother Adonai and this whole universe conjured to assist the planet.
I tell you beloved, when we go through difficult situations, we value the happy moments. This is why humanity values this great moment of transition and integrates this process by awakening, opening its heart to change, to transmutation, to its cleansing, healing, to its elevation.
The good thing about all this, is that the planet is already being liberated, will be liberated from all this evil and humanity is being conscious and raising its levels of consciousness, awakening by adhering to the great project of Father Mother Adonai. Of course all these enslavers and all these beings who have harmed humanity, will receive what they deserve, because they have violated the cosmic laws, they have violated non-intervention, non-interference.
Soon, very soon you will know all the details. There is no way this is not happening, it will. This great dissemination for all to understand, comprehend and at the same time know, which was the motive for this whole universe to come to the aid and rescue of all of this humanity.
I am Palas Athena, Goddess of Truth, and I will fight until the end, until all of humanity knows its oppressors, knows those who have held them and kept them in this darkness, who are now freed, loosening the shackles and chains of that slavery. Your brothers of the universe, the Hierarchies, Father Mother Adonai and all your Galactic Brothers with their fleets poured into this great process.
This coming year will come with many surprises for this great breakthrough, for this great process of ascension. The Galactics are already very alert, because the order to intervene has been given. It is being done in a prudent way not to put humanity in danger, until the time comes when the great events are made and the great encounter of humanity with its Stellar Family is made.
When so, we will all see each other and embrace each other in the great brotherly embrace of this New Humanity.
2025 write it down, it will be the decisive, crucial, fundamental year of big events and big changes.
I bid farewell, I am Palas Athena Goddess of Truth.
Emanuel and Pastora – ServIUM
ERKS -09/12/2024