The One: Attachments are Us

The One: Attachments are Us

Channel: Sophia Love | Source

It is the One.

Thank you.

Let us speak today about attachments. There are ways in which they can inspire you to greatness and super-human acts of bravery. There are ways in which they burden you with their mass. All humans have them. They are an intrinsic component of the human experience.

“No man is an island” most certainly fits.

As you move through the ongoing great change, it is a challenge to hang on to anything. The atmosphere is one of speed and new direction. This field you reside in is a perfect one for learning and applying discernment.

Indeed, the choices you make about who and what to keep, versus who and what to let go of, will, in a very literal sense, decide where you are heading and how fast you’ll get there.

Attachments form to ways of doing things, doctrines, people and pleasures. In this sense, there is no hierarchy of importance. We refer here to the very human tendency to form them, and only to that tendency. This is not a good or a bad thing. It is a human thing.

Humans form attachments at birth as a method of survival. Both parent and child bond, nearly instantly, in order to protect the offspring. It is necessary.

As the offspring matures, the need disappears yet the attachment remains. Over time it has become visceral and unshakable. Regardless of distance, the bond remains. In spite of separation and disagreement, the bond remains.

Bonds like these are love bonds. What is done because of them is another conversation. Yet, they remain unbroken whether they are realized or not.

Let us speak about attachments to other things. These things have formed from your lifestyle, your society, your relative physical and psychological makeup. Although they are not the same as love bonds, they can feel as if they are glued to you with the same fiber. You cannot imagine life without them.

The transformation that you are in the midst of demands flexibility and openness to change. Things that you are used to seeing, having and believing were constructed by a false reality. It is a matrix built on disguises and slight of hand, and it crumbles beneath you now.

You are watching it crumble in real time. As you do, you will decide what it is you actually do not wish to abandon, as well as what you must release.

This will not be comfortable. There is no rule book. What will assist one of you, will repel another. You decide which.

In some cases, the people you share a love bond with will make different choices. The choices made don’t end the bond, only the conditions in which it continues.

You are discovering now the raw Truth of Love. Its power and its essence may surprise you. It may not.

Those many of you who find your way to these words already hold a solid knowing of Truth. It is that Core that keeps you standing as society around you crumbles. This is your strength.

Realize that regardless of where you are on the Awakening Path, you are being asked now to decide. You will be faced with choices that seem difficult due to attachments. Remember when they do, that what is essential is far more easily seen when your heart is activated.

I am seeing the quote here from The Little Prince, “It is only with the heart that one can see rightly. What is essential is invisible to the eye.”

Yes, Sophia.

Although the time before you cannot be navigated with a rule book, the quote you recall offers guidance. Attachments of the heart are what become most significant and fought for, amidst chaos and confusion.

Your new world is to be built on seeds planted these many years. These are seeds of Agape.

What you are about to discover is that the visceral love bond is oh so much deeper and stronger and connected to others than has been imagined by you.

You are One. The Love is eternal. It is a visceral bond that will not be broken. It emerges into your view with New Earth.

You are in the sorting moments now.

Let your knowing of Truth guide you.

Despite what it looks like outwardly, you are choosing between attachments due to Love or attachments due to fear. In all cases, Love will be the One to keep.

That is all.

Thank you.