Message from the Pleiadian Collective via Galaxygirl, May 31st, 2018

Pleiadian Collective 5/31/18
We are the Pleiadian Collective, extending the hand of friendship and peaceful unity to our human friends and family, from across
We have a long history with humanity, you see. We were there a part of your inception. Our worlds were long fraught with our own adventures and wars with the dark ones and it is through this grit that we found our way through ascension into the realms of love and light. We too could fill many vast libraries with our stories of our people’s victories, triumphs
We are all fellow journeyers. You human friends, humanity,
Source Creator is all, everything, One, and we are but fractals of Source. Humanity chose to forget this greatest of truths and chose to experience the greatness of the depths of loss and loneliness and it is for this reason that we Pleiadians salute you as being the bravest of the brave, to choose to undertake such an illusion so that you could explode as a collective into light with great intention, force, and grace. It is grace that will be needed greatly as you all see each other anew with new eyes and fresh faces, as you look with your third eye and truly see and feel one’s essence with your
Send love to Hawaii. Send love to the hot spots of weather and geothermic changes. Send love to each other. When humans are enraged they leave an energy signature of rage on the mother. You transmuters are doing a mighty fine job with this (sending love) and we wish for you to add an infusion of peace into the collective of humanity to soothe humanity’s “hot spots” for there are many. We are most eager to continue to serve, but to do so now with a more open capacity. We are ready to share our technologies, our love, our compassion and our laughter and joy with you, our human friends and family. We are your Pleiadian brothers and sisters after all. We are one. It matters not what sector of the galaxy your soul spark originated; when you travel so far, you see God everywhere. And friends we see God in you. We love you and now take our leave. We are the Pleiadian collective, always in service to the All.