The Blue Avians: Escape Time

The Blue Avians: Escape Time

Channel: Octavia Vasile | Source

We have been with you since the beginning of time. Your soul might already remember us. We are the Blue Avians, 12th-dimensional keepers of the gateways. The fact that you are receiving this transmission now is a testament to your intuition aligning with your highest good. Trust in this connection, and continue opening your heart to what lies beyond.

We are the guardians of Earth’s true history, traversing time and assisting many in doing the same. As you begin to shed the belief that time is linear, you will awaken to the freedom of moving across dimensions, unbound by a singular reality. This is your birthright—you were never confined to one frame of time.

We are here to remind you that, as you drift into sleep, you can call upon us. We will guide you through interdimensional journeys, opening doors to realms beyond your waking world. As your body rests, your light body explores these vast dimensions, far beyond the physical plane. All you need to do is ask—to become more aware—and you will find yourself traveling to places you are meant to visit.

Release the grip of the limited three-dimensional reality and embrace the unseen. Beyond the physical lies the very substance from which the material world is formed—immense, vast, and limitless. You have access to all of it from within. Dive deeper and deeper into yourself, where the unknown worlds await discovery.

The more you loosen your attachment to the physical, the more these higher dimensions will reveal themselves. Many masters who have walked the Earth have taught the same: to leave behind worldly distractions and direct your attention to the spiritual realms that can only be accessed from within. We echo their wisdom: let go of the illusionary and merge with the real.

You are not alone on this journey. We are here, beyond time, to support you. In truth, we are YOU.