PALAS ATENA GODDESS OF TRUTH ~ Singers, Actors And Actresses Are Being Detained, Many We Are Pulling Out Of Their Hiding.
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I am Palas Athena, Goddess of Truth, always near you, assisting and protecting you. I wanted to make some comments, give you some information and I want you to know that already many celebrities, these prominent beings of the dark cabal forces that are here, are being detained. Soon you will have public news of all the information I’m giving you. For now I cannot give you their names, because it would hinder the entire operation that is being carried out.
The White Hats, the allied forces, the beings on duty. Many of you knew them as great figures. Many of those actors, Hollywood film actresses, singers who supported this losing faction, the negative forces of the planet, are being detained right now, others are refugees in the tunnels, and from their lair will be taken out and detained in the coming days and spread the information to the public.
Little by little it’s falling beloved, but the truth is always coming out my beloved. Everything has to come to light to purify this planet of so much negativity, that the dark forces have expanded with their horns. The heads of institutions in the system. We already have bankers from big banks being prosecuted for big scams. Everything is being audited now with the new financial system QFS where they will not be able to continue with their misdeeds.
They are running out of traps, they are running out of scams, who with the same money from their customers, became billionaires by cheating. And also to the most needy, those who required the services of the financial system, the ordinary citizen, also assaulted with all kinds of taxes, ended up paying juicy commissions. My beloved, some are already being processed, others are in process.
Also the subject of health. They are coming out and many of those responsible for the last plandemic, are being prosecuted. But none of this information comes to the public light, in the newspapers or in the corrupt elite media.
The issue of health is being regenerated. People are understanding, opening their consciousness and there are more and more allies of the same traditional system, they are realizing the big error in several procedures they perform, and they are heading towards the integral medicine as we have already mentioned, to complete integral medicine, to the quantum systems of healing, healing, energy systems, natural medicine.
There are more and more allopathic doctors who are jumping the tank to go into the world of integrative quantum medicine and leaving traditional allopathic medicine.
I tell you all beloved, that we are very close to the great Disclosure. We are just waiting for some decisions, because there are some points still to be clarified and some arrests to be made, which are being made by the Allied Forces on the ground and the Commandos brothers also forming part of these commissions.
None, none of this will be seen on television, in the elite media. But all this is happening, the planet is changing, even if it doesn’t seem like it. But watch, watch the rats flee from the ship. They are guarded in tunnels knowing that the event, the great solar flash, is approaching.
We are at a very high point, this month of December and the month of January is crucial to carry out the Disclosure. The pieces move and everything comes together. Everything else is ready at the level of satellites and everything. All of that is already prepared, the logistics, the processes, the procedure to be disclosed. To see the faces of those who enslaved them, of those who swindled them, who owe many their misfortunes to these corrupt elites.
Well loved all calm. I always like to bring you something to see that we’re moving forward, and that there are significant progress in the processes and this is already about to be caramelized as they say. But everything has its own time, let no one despair because we are very close to knowing the great truth of everything.
The Vatican of corruption, the big whore they call, the Catholic Church and their representatives of all that corruption joint. Soon, very soon they will know and many will not believe it.
Well loved ones, all calm and quiet. What if I tell you is to be prepared, prepare everything, have what is necessary prepared, have your suitcase or your backpack as you want, with the most indispensable things you need.
Well my beloveds. I say goodbye with all my love.
I am Palas Athena Goddess of Truth.
Emanuel and Pastora – ServIUM
ERKS -04/12/2024