The Galactic Federation of Light: Volunteers Ascen

The Galactic Federation of Light: Volunteers Ascending

Channel: Octavia Vasile | Source

Question from Natalie: Will all volunteers who answered the call to come to Earth and serve Gaia & Humanity ascend to 5D? Will we all be activated and know what we must do?

Greetings to all of you! We are delighted to connect with you again and to answer your question. We are grateful for such a question, as many will find their own answers through it. Our answer is “no”. Unfortunately, not all those who have incarnated here with such a 5D mission will awaken to it. This is because the 3D Matrix has altered the stored information in your DNA. In other words, a thick veil of illusions was created.

To wake up and eliminate it, takes a lot of courage to truly listen to your intuition. 5D means freedom from all beliefs. Are you ready to release them all? Could you tell us why we say that? Because an awakened human being knows that he/she is not only a human. The knowledge of his/her multidimensionality is present. An awakened being lets go of any beliefs because he/she finds out that it is all a game, it is itself an illusion. But one learns then how to think intentionally not because one believes but because one wants to create. Therefore, beliefs change into intentions that have the power to manifest. That is why many will not awaken to the 5D mission.

Once the mission is reactivated, which can be done with the loving support of cosmic beings, your intuition will start talking to you all the time. It will pull you out of your comfort zone, it will suggest you take risks, and it will destroy what keeps you attached and dependent on your old beliefs. So, are you ready to be one of those and to follow your intuition if so, we truly promise you, this will go crazy, but “crazy” in a wonderful, miraculous way! Because you are very much meant to live such lives, full of joy and real surprises happening all the time. You see? That is why so many will not awaken now because their attachment to what they have already experienced will pull them back. One needs a very open mind and heart. And if you are one of those, claim your power now and start manifesting according to your own intuition.

You deserve to live beyond a monotonous life so you can embrace a real one that resembles an amazing movie! We are here to support you and we will do so all the time, until even the last of you will tune into the 5D energies, as long as that might take. So, you see? In a way, it will happen for each and every one of you at the right time. Have trust, and keep your intentions clear! We love you beyond what your mind thinks. We love You because we are You and you are us. We are all One!

One on one sessions

May be an image of text that says ""Some of you possess an exceptional capability to modify 'past' timelines by enhancing their vibration. Begin with your own timeline-send love and guidance to your past selves, as we have shared before. Then, broaden your focus to external arenas, deliberately altering the information by adjusting the vibrational frequency. This ability abilityenables_youto to affect historical events by focusingon key moments andinfluencing better outcomes.". ASI AVA"