Message of The Day

“I am your close family, for many of you in this forum are part of these unified forces of the far galaxies[1] that have come at this time to assist, and to bring Mother’s Plan to fulfillment at last.
We speak to you in different ways so that you understand us, and there are times when you see us as separate and somewhere out there on a ship, hovering above you, above your home, or above your places of work. But this is not so dear ones, and I am here to tell you, to assure you that we are closer than you might think, in fact we are with you always, or better said, you are here with us at all times.
You are our feet on the ground and you are doing a magnificent job in clearing and smoothing the paths, showing the way, healing and activating, initiating changes and igniting the light where it is needed. And you are doing all this work while living your life, raising children and grandchildren, paying bills and engaging in the world as it is in the moment.
But you do not have to force things to happen. Rest assured that you are doing exactly what you need to do at this time, and do not be concerned if there are others who seem to be more aware of our connection. All is as it should be at this time.” Commander Ashira of Neptune (Channeled by Genoveva Coyle)