Golden Age Messages from the Mastersthrough the founders of the Ascended Masters Mystery School When living as your Presence you are totally available to create with God what YOU would like to see in your life and in the world according to your Divine Crystalline Blueprint for these times. As you come to truly trust and accept with deep conviction that God is always looking after you and the Universe is also there to support you, then fear and doubt naturally dissolve and you are truly free to create your reality with God as your own Presence.*~~ Mother Mary* Conscious Connection with GodPart I ~ June, 2016 |
As the ego’s need to control is fully and happily released, an immense relief naturally fills your mind and body with new possibilities. This long-awaited relief opens up spaces in your thinking that have laid dormant for thousands of years. A major step in realizing the immensity of this relief comes when you have let go of any need to be attached to any particular outcome. This includes attachments to other people, places, material possessions or any set of circumstances. This conscious and loving release leaves you completely free to create your life in true oneness with God. Fear of losing one’s identity is a major concern for all 3rd dimension humans. This fear stems from an ages-old egoic practice of continually supporting identities that have been created out of humanity’s 3rd dimensional pool of collective consciousness. This practice has effectively cut off meaningful communication with one’s God Presence in all but the most dire of circumstances when one has turned to God for assistance with great passion. The very core of the ego’s practices are now laid open in this simple realization: the ego thinks that it thinks! In truth, it is only parroting the information that has been circulating through the limited 3rd dimensional realms for centuries. Over many thousands of years, the practice of this realization, which has become a false belief, has created your 3rd dimensional identity that has led to the worshipping and paying homage to many false gods. A false god has become anything that has been given value, tangible or intangible, outside of one’s God’s Self. If an extra level of anxiety arises based on letting go of your beliefs or your attachments to your identity or to your ego’s desires to stay in control, you will know that you are still valuing some false god your ego has created. |
All ego “thinking” is devoid of TRUE love and therefore it has no lasting qualities. REAL thinking comes from being connected with the Infinite Mind of God, which is only founded in love and it lasts forever. Your whole purpose in this incarnation is the reestablishment of meaningful communication with your God Self, which brings with it your true identity in God, which has been long forgotten. With the reestablishment of true communication with God comes REAL THINKING! This means real and lasting creation and not the lesser makings of your ego’s “thinking”. Herein lies the entire foundation of your ascension and your return to living in unity with God. This will keep continually expanding your confidence and conviction that God is always creating with you in active, loving conscious partnership. Every time you allow yourself to trust that you are being supported by God and an all-loving Universe, you are creating a much deeper understanding of the Sacred loving nature of Existence. Life is, and has always been, a process of awakening to the divinity within and of the fearless understanding of how you are continuously being invited to create your reality with God as the Christ within. |
When you remain relaxed and centered in your heart, you will quickly discover that you always have had the ability to fully respond to life and to others with the same in-the-moment kind of unconditional love exemplified by Jeshua the Christ as well as the Buddha. These great Avatars taught that the attachment to any belief, thought, person, or agenda only results in suffering. By choosing to live each day as your Presence or God Self from a place of truth, honesty, simplicity, love, trust, and gratitude, you quickly discover how easy it is for your mind to relax its old 3rd dimensional ways of thinking and to cease any need to control. Your capacity to live in Unity or Christ Consciousness is just waiting to become so real and natural that you will quickly move out of any residual needs to control or be manipulated by others. As you release any need to control or be attached to an outcome, you also become invulnerable to the agendas of others. You will instead be living as a mature, responsible, and empowered human being living with real trust and integrity. Darkness is only the absence of light and the ignorance that ensues based on there being no true communication with God through your inner Christ Self. |
WalkTheEarthAsALivingMaster offers courses and Teacher TrainingsTo learn more, go toWALKTHEEARTHASALIVINGMASTER and click on the MENU. These courses have been designed by the Ascended Masters to assist you in embodying the Presence and living in freedom and abundance. Private Mentoring with the Masters ~~ A Year-Long Program is also availableFor more information, go to: |
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