New Earth must be created by YOU, warrior of God

Dear ones,
The time has come for you to step into your divine life purpose.
All these experiences that you've had in your life, you did not think they happened for nothing, did you?
You've had so many ups and downs. You went down the path less traveled and you did not stop in your pursuit to find answers. You did not settle for an average human life, that option was not enough...
What was shown to you when you did that plant medicine? What did 'they' tell you? You know what I’m talking about, that was your galactic family. What was shown to you when you did that plant medicine?
Deep down inside you know that what you saw and experienced was part of your initiation. You know that when you came to a moment in your life that you were so desperate and out of control because life forced you to your knees that you realized praying is the only option left.
What did you say to God when you were down on your knees?
Did you swear your allegiance to God? Did you make any promise of doing God's work on earth?
And ever since you did that all those things happened and it’s as if you almost knew that these events were all somehow linked to each other. Can you see that there might have been a higher purpose at play?
Did you go down on your knees to tell God to empower you so you can go about your mission now? Or did you put your forehead on the ground and ask mother Gaia for forgiveness yet?
If you haven’t been through any of the above-described scenarios yet you mustn’t wonder why things are not really taking off for you. And if you have then I know that you’ve been on a crazy roller coaster ride ever since and you know it too.
All I’m trying to tell you today is that you have free will. Whether you came here with a higher purpose and a mission and as a warrior of God does not matter anymore.
See, the moment you incarnate as a human you are just a human and you have free will. Nobody is allowed to violate your free will. So regardless of who you are in other dimensions or if you incarnated on earth with a divine purpose you have the free choice to change your direction at any moment and you might choose to live a human life. Unconscious, unaware, and in deep sleep.
Even though you came here to do God's work you still have to make the choice. You have the right to free willingly choose to fulfill your mission within this incarnation or to live a human life and to forget or not even remember everything else.
But you also know that human life can never satisfy you. Can you name one thing that other people do in the 3-D world that you’re truly passionate about?
When nice houses, cars, jewels, and not even lovers excite you then you know that there is only one thing left to do that sets your spirit on fire.
Create change. Alter this system of frequency control. Assist the planetary ascension process. Build new earth.
You are God's finest warriors. You have come to earth to do divine work.
The thought of this excites your spirit, right? This is what your soul yearns for.
Humanity needs healers, teachers, readers, and conscious businesses that elevate this realm and contribute to the planet.
New earth isn’t going to build itself. It is built by those who love the Goddess and honor earth.
A new race is evolving. One that is not defined by color, religion, or politics but by their love, their compassion, their conscious awareness, and by the peace they create.
You and your children are this new race of the people of the rainbow.
The time to create new earth is no longer in the distant future. It is nowhere. It is Now Here.
You must actively work now.
Plant a garden.
Throw the TV out.
Homeschool your kids.
Create an online business that serves humanity and earth.
You are not this new race in theory. You are ascended masters in reality.
The angelic and galactic realms are here to assist you spiritually, mentally, emotionally, and even within and from the astral realm but you must do the physical work. Do you understand that there’s no way around this?
The Galactic Federation will not plant your garden for you. They will not throw your TV out, they cannot homeschool your kids or create new businesses for you that will ultimately serve the peoples of earth.
They might bring new technologies or medical cures to our planet at some point but the systems that will utilize this knowledge must be built by you first. Only you can do the physical work.
The benevolent ET races who are assisting us during the liberation of Gaia will greatly contribute to new earth but they are not the ones who must build it first. They can only contribute to something we have created.
Ascension is not a hocus pocus magic fantasy ride where in one moment all negativity will be over, all are ascended and done with 3D!!!
Whoever says this is either a drug addict alone or a drug addict and a Charlatan and you have way too many of this kind who have infiltrated your spiritual communities with their absolute non-sense of creating false security for you that does not exist.
And you have largely not only accepted it but embraced it because it would entail that you are not leaving your comfort zone, basically not changing anything, and finally not stepping into any action ever. The easy way out ain't gonna work.
You are powerful beyond your current imagination but you must step into action now.
How can you contribute to new earth?
This is your task.
Aurora Ray
Ambassador of The Galactic Federation