Valerie Donner - Straight from the Heart May 4, 2024
Straight from the Heart
May 4, 2024
May 4, 2024
Dear Ground Crew:
Here's the latest from Apollo: “Do you know the ground crew are the first responders to assist the Earth? Yes, that's what we call you because so many of you committed your selves to the Earth’s ascension and came at the very beginning of the process. We understand how challenging that has been and how weary you must be from all of your vital input from the Light. The Creator is grateful for all that you have been doing and so is the Earth. You will be remembered forever in the history of creation for your divine work. You will be rewarded greatly in many ways. Even though you may feel directionless in someways right now, that is far from the truth. It is simply that everything is changing rapidly. It is impossible for anyone to wrap their minds around the whole package of what is occurring. You do not need to waste your energy on this. Your roles are significant and your energy is vital to the process. Your level of consciousness and frequency are rising daily. You are glowing with light and spreading it on the Earth, the galaxy and far beyond. You are in the process of becoming aware of your own light and its impact. We hold you all on a pedestal, the pedestal of ascension and creation. Please accept this acknowledgment as a gift from our Creator and all of the loving beings who are working with you and the Earth. You are loved greatly.”
How are you doing ground crew? How are you adjusting and adapting to all of the changes and strange energies on the Earth right now? What is your focus? Do you look up at the sky? There is a lot going on in the sky. How were you affected by the eclipse on April 8? I actually started seeing a second sun to the left of the sun on the day of the eclipse. I took a picture of it with my camera and here it is. For years we were told there would be two suns and supposedly two moons. I have not witnessed that but perhaps some of you have? Maybe you did see the second sun also? It feels like we have to be open to all possibilities these days.
My focus now is truly on the light and the truth. Like many of you, I am no longer caught up in the 3-D external dramas. Who knows what is real and what is fake? Last weekend I had the good fortune of going to beautiful Santa Cruz, California and walking on the beach. I got a picture of a big beam of light coming from the sun onto the ocean. Here it is.

I also got this picture of a ship in my town a few days ago.

Look At The Light
By Valerie Donner
By Valerie Donner
Look at the light.
It has become
Much more clever
And oh so bright!
The sun is different
And so are we.
Our bodies have changed
There's a twinkle
In every cell.
Our energy fields
Have accelerated well.
We’re becoming more enlightened
In every way.
The dark is no longer.
We are at play.
We are painting a picture
In a newly lighted way.
It's our time
For the light to stay.
Look at the light
In the eyes of others.
Creation is there
Like a spark of lovers.
This is a big light
That is shared with all.
The power behind it
Will make us tall.
We've had enough
Of settling for less
Then the best.
Be happy to have passed the test.
It has become
Much more clever
And oh so bright!
The sun is different
And so are we.
Our bodies have changed
There's a twinkle
In every cell.
Our energy fields
Have accelerated well.
We’re becoming more enlightened
In every way.
The dark is no longer.
We are at play.
We are painting a picture
In a newly lighted way.
It's our time
For the light to stay.
Look at the light
In the eyes of others.
Creation is there
Like a spark of lovers.
This is a big light
That is shared with all.
The power behind it
Will make us tall.
We've had enough
Of settling for less
Then the best.
Be happy to have passed the test.
Starting last April, 2023, I began doing Ground Crew in Action Meetings with Lumina. Lumina is responsible for the luminescence of creation. Apollo is her divine complement. Many different people came on the call and there was a group of about 10 of us who met weekly for an hour a week. We met 47 times. We did light activations with the Lumina and we sent Light and powerful energy to many places and beings on the Earth. We all became more accelerated and enlightened from our gatherings. The Earth surely benefited also.
I am now being called to move forward to do greater work with Lumina. She is an illuminator and transfers energy. I am merging with her even more. This means I'm going to be doing some writing and some new classes. “Iluminate your Life with Lumina” is the name of the class. This will assist those who are ready to go higher with their spiritual work in a homogenous way. I am seeking people who can advance with me. I invite you to e-mail me or call me if you want join this new program. The class will be on Zoom, $33 payable with PayPal: I will hold the class every two weeks. It will be on Wednesdays from 4:00 to 5:30 PM Pacific time. The first class will be Wednesday, May 8.
The following is a message that came to me from Lumina on April 24, 2024. The message came from a very deep place inside of me. I dictated it and transcribed part of it so you can get a sense of what she said. It was so loving.
Musings from Lumina
April 24, 2024
“I am amused at humanity at how little most of humanity have felt love. They are truly bereft of the love they are due. I want them to know how much Source loves and values humanity. With every spark of light within every eye, or every drop of light on a leaf on a tree, there is love and it’s from them. I want humanity to know how much the sun loves them and how that golden light from the sun comes from Source to touch peoples’ hearts and to connect them with each other. So many do not know this, or feel it. I want humanity to know how much the clouds love them, and how much the trees love them, and how much the oceans and the streams love them. Every little sea shell is a creation from Source. It is a reflection of the beauty that they are and to show humanity how rare they are. Each wave that comes from the ocean is a reflection of love. Humanity is deserving of all of the love of creation. It’s available in the light dancing around you, taking new shapes and new forms, but it is always that luminesce all around you. It is here to bring bliss into your life. Please open to more love and share it like the branches of a tree that have open hearts to show their love. Their open hearts are available to pick you up and bring healing. Please do not kick a rock. Please pick it up and move it. It is a reflection of Creator’s love. It is a reflection of what comes to you. You have the eyes to see and the ears to hear. The luminance is for you, oh bereft humanity, seeking love in all the wrong ways. It is the part of listening to your heart, and the beauty of opening your eyes to the sunlight of creation that will create the image of who you are. This is such an accomplishment and something for you to ponder. It is a miracle and many more miracles are coming your way. We of the realms of beauty and light are here to tell you you will never be without love again. We truly love you and will always be there for you. I am Lumina.”
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