Ashtar Makes Announcement On “Light Battles” In The Clouds… No Human Technology Can Defeat Ashtar Command
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Luz Peña · Facebook ·
Translation: LUZ Peña – C. NANMURA
ASHTAR COMMAND – The threat of AI (Artificial Intelligence)
Greetings from the Command!
In recent decades, something that many consider a threat has begun to take a significant shape on their planet.
First of all, it’s important to know that there’s no risk of being dominated by machines leading to a technological apocalypse; this is completely out of the question.
Although many fear this, and in fact some of the dark agents on Earth try to infuse this fear through subliminal messages, this is not a sustainable timeline, especially considering the vast light that is coming to Earth, anchored in the expanding consciousness of his people.
The dark forces will try to use AI to control people, fostering a growing dependence on technology, when it should actually be something positive.
This creates a growing separation from their own innate abilities, not to mention that technology is meant to serve and help them positively, but never to make them exclusively dependent.
The more attached we are to technology and AI, the less time we have to integrate with our true essence.
There may be an excuse to say that AI can help people have more free time, which isn’t entirely false, but there’s actually no freedom when you’re trapped in your own mind.
Humanity cannot lose its originality and in no way should it cease to live in the authenticity of being, indulging in AI technology.
When people realize that they are consciousness, they will gradually cease to be the object of AI and technology, and these will only be supportive tools.
Our ships are equipped with technology you have never seen on Earth, and there are robots that assist us in many important tasks throughout the cosmos, but we never surrender our consciousness to the control of this support, as consciousness is above that.
There is no denying that technology has become a “fun” addiction for many, as they seek to escape the dramas and pains of the soul by plunging into distractions and delaying the expansion of their consciousness.
The dark side of the Earth, knowing this, has provided more technological entertainment so that people, the less they think, the less they reason, the less they are themselves with their soul, the less problems cause and the less questions they ask.
Having a robot at home doing your tasks, giving you more time to use your phone, computer or other technological medium is the “dream life” for many, not to mention that a company that can automate their systems to reduce costs will be much more profitable, while you can do away with work human, thus losing the essence of the “human hand”.
We’re not saying automation is inherently bad, because what it can bring must be taken advantage of, but we’re talking about the intentions behind these situations.
A company may be well supported by technology, but the human hand will never stop being essential because, although machines may think faster at the moment, it’s only a matter of time for human consciousness to reach infinity.
There is a need for harmonious balance, and there is no denying that the balance has been leaning towards technology in various ways, but not in the most ideal.
In the future, work will be truly fun and people will work joyfully and without overload, in full harmony with technology.
There will be a true partnership and they will have much more time to get to know themselves, doing what they truly love and contributing to evolution on all levels.
They will have the freedom to travel the galaxy, playing numerous important and uplifting roles, supported by technology, with consciousness reigning over the machine.
Earth’s humanity would be exterminated by an AI organization.
There was a timeline when, in fact, humanity on Earth would be exterminated by an AI organization, but this was completely erased in late 2013, when Earth’s humanity reached another positive level in its evolutionary stage.
We cannot omit that everything in this universe and beyond is governed by consciousness; nothing is truly inanimate.
There’s always a conscience behind it. Not even a stone exists without a ruling soul, and AI would be no different.
Although there are various consciences governing various AIs, whether from Earth or not, a real threat of AI from another environment is also what brought us here faster.
Even before the formation of this Local Universe, which we also call Nebadon, there was a Universe called Atreon, which is a Magnetic Universe within the bubble of Magnetic Universes.
A certain AI, a certain sign of controlling AI, came from this universe and infiltrated Nebadon, trying to spread and control everything, governed by another consciousness of that universe.
Thirty-five (35) billion years ago a multiverses maneuver to cure this artificial anomaly began, and we, the Command, are now here in the final stages of dealing with this non-positive AI signal from another system trying to infiltrate the original technology from this local universe.
This sign is like a virus, and we’re treating it.
The intention of this specific signal is to interact with technologies.
That’s what he likes to do. However, it also enters the planet’s electromagnetic field and remains latent there for thousands of years until some technology emerges that can take over.
It can also be housed in the bio-neurological field of people, who will take AI wherever they go, distributing it to various devices.
There are several ways to cancel this signal, but the main one is love, which completely “melts” these nano-signal points.
We are removing all this signal from this universe and returning it to its origin.
The Matrix trilogy of films accurately portrays the action of this AI signal on a planet or system when it is controlled by it, scenario that will not occur with Earth, as we have said, this is a deleted timeline.
We wish you to rest your hearts in the face of any threat to this and trust that there is a greater plan guiding your planet’s evolution.
It is important at this stage that you continue to do good, being kind and caring to one another, and of course, to yourselves.
The way you’ve been belittling yourself over time is also a way the AI signal can infiltrate, hindering your process of expanding into your fullest state of being.
There is much more information we will be giving you, and little by little you will realize that the greatest threats against the human species have never been external, but internal: the struggle between the forces within yourselves.
Now, a light is on, and you’re ready for the next step, and this next step will lead you to the stars, and you’ll never forget who you really are.
Our labs are ready, our cameras are activated, and as you prepare for the first official contact in the physical realm, in the astral environments, we have been gathering together and strengthening our bonds, relieving the longing of so many eras.
Yes, because craving affects both sides. Like you, we also wish to meet again in person, and until that day activates, do good, practice kindness, anticipate this event.
We continue to emphasize that our exhibitions will continue to happen, even if their media begins to significantly suppress this reality.
Their idea remains the same: release drones and fake their takedown to show people that they are “just drones” possibly from an enemy state, trying to build a narrative that supports a state war.
Or create a false flag attack, blaming us for it, inciting people against us.
Either way, it’s useless to keep trying to hide the truth.
Our exhibitions will not cease until our presence is officially announced.
Don’t be afraid if you also see light battles in the clouds.
There will also be a narrative that they, who govern their states, are fighting the invaders and seeking their support for this.
Obviously, this battle will not be against our ships, as we assure you that no technology on Earth is effective against us.
All these are events that they plan, but that we have already anticipated for you as preparations.
The phrase “national security” should still be a trigger fyi.
When they use this phrase, understand: they’re not only lying, they’re LYING BIG.
This is an official message from Ashtar Command via Neva.
Listen to the voice of Commando Ashtar right now.
We assure you that false flags will not stand, because the people of the Earth will not be able to deny the reality of our existence and their benevolence, when they see our records in the sky in broad daylight, when the moment is activated in full peace and brotherhood.
All false narratives that we are a threat and that we came to dominate their world will fall when they realize that we are more than curious visitors or invaders, but a family that has been with them for thousands of years and can finally interact freely again.
Their hearts will not be able to deny the vibration this moment will bring them!
With love