“Meditation is part of this triad because it is in the quietude, it is in the stillness, it is in the certitude of your divine authority, of your divine knowing that you hear us, that you begin to, more clearly, understand and receive our guidance, our direction, our input. Our relationship, our communication, is not intended to be simply one way; we are in sacred partnership, we are in
We are in alignment, that is what the sacred union is about. It is not about trying, it is not about Herculean effort, it is about allowing the gentle waters of a pristine lake, an ocean, or a stream to simply lap and touch your toes and touch your heart and touch your mind.
When you are in prayer, when you are in sacred ritual, when you are in meditation, you are anchored in your heart, in your heart-knowing, in your heart-listening, speaking, feeling. When you come out of this process, this beautiful form of communion, then your mind, your very core, knows how to proceed. That is the gift of prayer and meditation and ritual.” Jesus Sananda