The Shift: Open Heart, Open Perceptions

The Shift: Open Heart, Open Perceptions

Greetings to You! From heart to heart in this moment we speak, I am Kejraj!

What has remained a secret for centuries is now being gradually revealed to humanity. The ancient peoples knew more about the Universe than most humans today. As a matter of a fact they knew some of the most important things. Earth is alive, a living, spiritual being, and humans, animals, nature, are all one and connected.

The ancients also knew that the stars are full of life. For they were visited often by extraterrestrial beings, who shared stories and technology with humanity. Many benevolent, while a few had different intentions.

Through time and with many forms of deceit, humanity forgot these truths, and now denies them. Although there is proof of this all over the planet, it is the unwillingness and fear which keep people from seeing these truths.

How do you tell a world immersed in false stories and exaggerated claims from religion to the mainstream sciences for the purpose of brainwashing and instilling fear in the masses, in reality pulling them further away from the Divine, that the Universe is not empty, and there are in truth benevolent extraterrestrials on Earth now, and in the Solar system, and beyond, as they have been present for thousands of years?

The response of the ones who believe in a judgmental and vengeful ‘god’ is simple; They are demons.

We ask you, do you not believe in angels? These are the angels as referred to by your ancestors. They were referred to as angels for their beauty and love they expressed towards the human.

In these times of great change, with the evolution of consciousness, you are to be anchored in new realities, and see much more than you have been accustomed to seeing of what is called reality.

This shift, this new higher reality, is to happen for you, is to be revealed to you only with the opening of your heart center. With your permission and agreement that you are ready to embody your Divine Self, that you are ready to release once and for all the fears and illusions of the current world you exist in.

In order for you to move forward, you must detach, and let go of the fear of what you’re leaving behind.

For you to create space so that more light comes forth into your reality, be compassionate, forgive, and love unconditionally.

If you truly wish to evolve and enter new realms of the cosmos, where you see that all stars and planets are full of life, and meet benevolent beings from other worlds, you have to be willing to also open different doors of perception, and look at things from more than just one or two view points.

It is imperative that you let go of old and outdated beliefs which keep you in a state of fear and stagnation. Then with an open heart and mind you begin to see the illusions of the matrix, and reclaim your divinity, your power, and your rightful place in the vastness of the Universe, within the energy field of Source, which you call Love.

All the light to You!