The Pleiadians: The Gift of this Time

The Pleiadians: The Gift of this Time

Channel: Christine Day | Source

Beloved ones we greet you,

Our resident Universe is carrying a higher frequency elemental of God consciousness than ever before. Your personal awakening work that you have been doing within yourselves has contributed to these pure waves of higher flows of God frequency to be able to enter this resident Universe.

These light frequencies flows are to herald in a more expansive phase of communion within the God consciousness state and have not been previously experienced within our Universe. All conscious beings, all life force groups within the Universe are to enter this higher phase of renewal within our individual energetic arena of the God consciousness state.

These expansive states of awakening flows have been established throughout the Universal realms and are about to enter Earth, these renewal flows are designed to impact many of you on the path. You as a human being are being called to prepare for this imminent happening. The preparation includes you being willing to let go and allow this sacred flow of light within your systems, which is destined, poised to flow throughout the earth plane just before you enter your time frame of 2025.

The gift of this time coming is allowing yourself to be repositioned to alternate reality spaces of consciousness through this fluidity. Moving your awareness beyond the illusion of the drama on your planet, linking you naturally to higher knowing and re- instating you into the realm of the multidimensional reality of this Universe. You have arisen from the pure state of creation! Birthed through the fluid light forms of God consciousness, which is your true heritage. The time is here for your conscious returning.

What is essential now is for you to understand the nature of your makeup, being created from the purest sacred fluid state, part of you is human and the other aspect is a sacred multidimensional being.  On a day-to-day basis you are required to claim the full elementals of your makeup, both being human and multidimensional in nature. You are to move into moments of claiming ownership of both these aspects. This is what is required for you to fully embrace this upcoming next phase of change created as these flows are about to enter Earth.

This is the time for you to consciously anchor within the authentic parts of yourself. Your heart space is multidimensional and is fully connected to the sacred form of you. Your ego mind is fully engaged within the human aspect of you. Both these aspects of you have an essential role to play in your enlightenment process.

For you to be in a human physical form you must have a human ego mind. Both aspects of you are required to learn to work together as a partnership so that you can fulfill your purpose, your mission here on Earth and within this resident Universe.

Balance within is essential. Your acceptance of your humanness will bring the balance to allow your awakening process. The ego mind is playing its essential role of supporting you in day-to-day living. The human aspect of you requires love compassion and patience from your multidimensional Heart. You cannot have an inner war going on between your human ego mind and sacred nature, this does not bring a harmonious balanced state within. The idea is to create moments of this balancing between these two aspects. Just moments of balance, that is enough.

A central, key aspect of your journey in this incarnation is to have a full human experience, which is in the state of being ‘perfectly imperfect’. You are to ultimately accept your human traits, all your imperfections and embrace your human idiocrasies, celebrating your uniqueness as a human being. Self-acceptance is Self-love.

You have come here to master the entire process of the human journey, opening to moments of self-acceptance of your constant imperfection. For every moment of self-acceptance experienced self-love can arise and the higher aspect of your God Consciousness state can become self-realized in day-to-day life.

A call is going out to all of you who are actively on their path of awakening, this is a time for you to come back to basics within yourself. Not to complicate the self-realization process. Start with a simple truth of your human makeup and choose to work with that knowing. To begin to allow the avenue of your human self to be imperfect, to drop the need to try and be perfect, to appreciate the experience of being human. To open into moments of celebrating your imperfection.

Enlightenment does not require perfection from your human aspect, it merely requires moments of self-acceptance of being imperfect. And to consciously work on dropping the self-judgment, the self-condemnation in those areas of your life, moving into the process of self-love. Allowing just one moment in your day of self-acceptance. That is enough. You are enough just as you are right now.

Utilize the Conscious breath, this is a tool. Take a breath in the mouth and release your breath out of the mouth. The Conscious breath will allow you to shift the inner ego mind process judgment of you. The Conscious breath says, “Yes I am willing to let go, Yes, I am willing to receive my light.” One Conscious breath an hour will begin a huge letting go transmutation process of change to take place within the physical cells of your body and within your life. The Conscious breath allows the old burdens of guilt, and shame to simply fall away from you. As these higher consciousness flows enter the earth plane, their energetic design is to enable you to engage more easily within the action of being in the moment. Supporting the action of you entering the moment consciously, creating change in your life.

The old cycles in your life will naturally leave as these higher consciousness light flows enter the planet. You are the only one who can consciously work with these light flows. You can say, “Yes” to change through the Conscious breath! Embrace yourself consciously.

Open to fully receive that which you have created in your life for learning and growth. Don’t fight the current. Events in your life are here for you to choose to let go and be in the experience.  Acceptance of life as it is right now in this moment allows for change. When you fight experiences in life that exist, you swim against the flow and suffering arises.

This higher flow of consciousness is designed to bring to you a new dawning within. Your heart’s desire can arise in your life as you trust, let go and allow yourself to open to receive life’s blessings. By letting go of the human ego mind agenda you set yourself free. You allow yourself to move beyond the limitation of the ego mind, allowing yourself to enter a limitless experience.

Remember this change is achieved one moment at a time, each moment is accumulative, creating powerful and lasting shifts within the old sabotaging cycles in your life. Change begins with one thought, one single, different action in your day. That is enough.

As this higher consciousness light flows onto Earth there will be a natural magnification take place within every action you take. With each conscious choice you make there will be an acceleration of awakening open through you. This is a time for your multidimensional Heart magic to be self-realized. Nothing can stand in the way of your intention to change, just the intention alone creates a ripple of change in your life.

We witness you in your awakening flow. We acknowledge your courage to take one more step along your path.


The Pleiadians