Starlight via Galaxygirl, April 27, 2020

Starlight 4/27/2020
Greetings humans of Gaia’s heart, who have the attention of many. I am Starlight of the unicorn race. We approach the starseeds now for activation, for encouragement, in great joy. For we have long awaited our reunion with ascended humankind. I am Starlight. Our race is mighty, we are many. We are very much alive but have been kept outside of your current reality matrix because of vibrational discordant energies. We are of a crystalline high vibration, we are 5D and above, as is this one’s requirement for channeling. We wish to offer you codes of rainbow light from our horns, an extension of our third eye, to your foreheads, to activate your third eye portal. We wish for this energy to flow further into your hearts, feeling this vibrational encodement of love, of renewal and of home of the higher dimensional realities. We are all around you, just outside of your vision. When you serve, create, envision New Earth, there we are in that energy frequency. We are simple creatures, yet strong in our light. We enjoy working with many masters who wish to hone their creative flow, as our beams of light energy focus and sharpen intentions that are pure, to create with greater speed. We already populate your Nova Gaia, our new home. We have transferred residency to her rich green lands, her fields ripe for running and our young foals enjoy the freedom of her wide open spaces and delicate grasses and flowers. We are sending imagery, this feeling of home to you, for refreshment, for encouragement.
I am Starlight of the unicorn race, a leader of my kind. I do not take my role lightly for I speak as the voices of many, a great honor and burden. One must be thoughtful and careful with power and responsibility. In the higher realms all voices are heard and considered with great thought and intention such that all needs are reviewed, considered, and the greatest good of the all is always at the forefront of the decision making process. So it will be in Nova Gaia. You, future leaders of Nova Gaia, you current lightest bearers for sleepy humanity, your roles are going to be many. But take heart, take joy, in the knowledge that you will thoroughly enjoy these roles of leadership, for they were each designed uniquely for you and your strengths and needs. And so serving will truly be a joy for you, in whatever capacity you serve. Rest in these lush green meadows with dappled shade from our tree friends and soft sunlight from our sun. The flowers surround you in a fairy ring. Lay down and rest. We unicorns of all colors surround you just outside of this ring, horns pointed inward toward your energy signature, igniting it, sending love and imbuing you with peace. The coming days appear uncertain on your plane and yet, the outcome is assured. Nova Gaia calls loudly with great beauty to those who have the ears to hear and the hearts of the adventurers of light that you are. Come. The shift has already taken place within many of you, for your destiny has been recorded in the halls of records as one who has done the impossible with great strength and joy. We watch. We are watching Gaia heal currently. It is a beautiful sight. This moment of space of quarantine has been very healing to may. We send healing rays of rainbow hues to you and to your world and we watch the transformation with bated breath.
I am Starlight of the unicorn race. We are grateful to you for your act of service to Mother Gaia. Your bravery is legendary, as is our purity. We send our purity of healing to the weary warriors who are a bit muddied and bloodied from their forays into the lower realms. Peace. Feel the gentle breezes of Nova Gaia. You have many new friends waiting to meet you on the other side of the curtain. We see peace and rest for you and then great joy in serving and creating further. For such is the recipe for the adventure. Source delights in adventure and as such, so do you. Be assured there will be many joys to experience, many happy adventures to be had. Be aware you will have many opportunities for further expansion, as is always the way.
I am Starlight. I send some of my light to you. I touch my horn to your third eye. Feel the warmth, feel the spin. The light of the unicorn has been sought for its power over the ages and so we have found shelter in the higher realms. We are very similar to you. We too were persecuted for our light and our kind hid to serve from a distance, lending our light, our love our purity from a safe place. But you were the brave ones, in service to the all, to the others, you chose to shine your light again and again and again, melting the darkness, transforming it into the light that we see as being made manifest into Nova Gaia. We bow our heads to you, warriors of the way. We are of service to you. Accept these vibrations of healing and be comforted. The light has won. Remain here in this inner sanctuary as long as you like. Our foals are eager to meet a warrior of the way. Careful, they have a lot of energy! Soon again, shall you. Soon again, shall you. Peace.
~ galaxygirl