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Inverential Peace my beloved, here I am always attentive to the whole planetary situation, to everything that happens within the planet in all its areas, both at the surface level and in the internal areas. We’ve already passed on some updates of the work that has been carried out.
I want all the children of Father Mother Adonai to be always attentive connected to their inner being. Very unfortunate situations loom over the planet in not so distant times. Stay tuned, internally you will be warned. Don’t let fear be instilled by any external network of the matrix.
Connect and always keep your frequency high, with those who are on higher frequency levels. Nothing will touch them, no negative energy will.
There are pretty strong threats on the planet, but you don’t fear, because your Galactic brothers, the Star Commands are here to assist you in all these events as far as our technology manages to reach. There are also many threats on the planet at the levels of systems, governments. We know the situation of the different countries that are always in a fight for control, for dominance, who advances further, who advances more.
We have already passed you information about artificial intelligence, now there is great competition at the level of large nations that want to have advanced technology, to see who has a greater development of artificial intelligence. They had research carried out with the help of the extraterrestrial brothers who technologically assisted them, and have been able to develop great and powerful weapons. As they do not give up, my beloveds, there is always anxiety, an attempt on the part of the powerful to want to harm, to create chaos, to attack others in order to obtain great hegemony
The situation at the level of the planetary political systems is quite aggravated. But no one should take this as a negative. Here those who don’t have, from those who don’ts are being separated. There the veils are falling, they are bringing to light the hidden interests they had. The planetary situation has been changing, the allies, those who were part of the planetary control group. But still the deep state putting pressure on all governors. Remember that they have power, economic power, decision power that prevails in this earthly system.
We are always attentive, we try to seek mediation between everyone. But since you negotiate with dark beings, with those lizards that have no feeling, that have no emotions, they act like programmed automatons. Let us remember that the vast majority of those who occupy these positions are clones. They are all going to fade away, many have already been falling, but there is a long way to go, my beloveds, because as I always tell you, they reinvent it and are looking for ways to stop the process.
The planet has generally been freed of all energy, but it persists from within, from the planetary systems the influence that will also be losing it, will also be disappearing.
Everything moves forward, everything continues my beloved, nothing has to be afraid of anything. No one has to fear or be afraid of asteroids, of events that can arise just to distract attention.
They always have a plan b and out there trying to wipe out a new bacteriological viral war. You don’t have to do anymore my beloved, that’s why we tell you, take care, focused, keep your frequency, your vibration high. Do not enter in fear, do not enter in fear. Keep your center in the light always.
Children of Father Mother always have full protection. Come what may, come what may, we are your big brothers here to help you through it all. We all have them monitored from the Ships, all the children of light are connected to their Galactic family. There’s nothing to fear. Always keep calm, harmony in your hearts and have confidence always that the Victory is and will be for the light.
We have already won, we have already advanced greatly. As I say, we are in the final stage, in the total unveiling waiting for news of the Disclosure soon. Do not think that everything you have done is going to be hidden. Everything these negative forces did has to come to light with names and surnames, so that everyone can see their faces and their misdeeds and know that many of those they worshipped, who were on a pedestal, are only great operators of the dark forces.
I bid farewell my beloved, always calling you to heal, to activate, that’s what you have to do, we’ll take care of the rest. Tap into the Mother, Mahindra and the entire Team that assists you, the entire team that is helping you to heal and raise your frequency, your vibration.
These are difficult times, times of chaos and humanity needs to free itself once and for all from all this network that the dark forces have laid for it. Liberation comes and will come very soon, the total liberation of this humanity.
I bless you, I am beloved Commander Ashtar Sheran.
Inverential Peace.
Emanuel y Pastora – ServiUM
ERKS -21/2/2025