Archangel Oracle with Dee ~ Fire Keepers

Archangel Oracle with Dee ~ Fire Keepers: ”Sacred Responsibility, Service”



Daily Angel Oracle Card: Fire Keepers, from the Sacred Geometry Cards For The Visionary Path, by Francene Hart

Fire Keepers: ” Sacred Responsibility, Service”

“Fire is historically the source for protective warmth, light in the darkness, and heat for cooking and was essential to the survival of the original peoples. Fire keepers hold a sacred responsibility both for the physical survival and the ceremonial spiritual protection of the community. Theirs is an essential and esteemed service.

Triangles represent Spirit, divinity, life, strength, harmony, and completion. The upwards facing triangle is traditionally associated with fire, action, and the masculine.

Three fires warming many hands invite you to warm to the understanding of these three levels of conscious personal mastery: physical awareness, mental intention, and spiritual evolution.

*You are invited to become aware of the effect your actions have on this physical plane. Are you living your bliss through your chosen vocation? Does your “job” contribute to the welfare of those around you as well as your own needs?

*Engage your mind and reflect on how the responsibilities you have chosen contribute to the whole of humanity. How might you more effectively engage your intentions to set in motion your vision of the future?

*Explore your connection to Spirit and request to be of greater service to divine will and the evolution of consciousness.

This is a card of action. Recognition of your sacred responsibility will help to bring you into alignment with the purpose of your soul.

If This Card Comes To You As Challenger: “Has your enthusiasm grown cold of late? Consciously revitalize the fire of your vision.”*

~ By Francene Hart

We are being called together, this is ascension. It is seeing that we are each individual and unique expressions of the Divine, and yet we are also connected to every aspect of the Universe and it’s creations. We are the Light, and coming together just makes us shine more brightly. We need each other. The illusion of separation is dissolving and we are banding together to heal and grow as One.

It is time to step into our gifts; our Sacred Service, the reason why we incarnated here. It is time for us to share what we came here to share. Each one of us is a piece of a much greater puzzle, each just as important as the next piece. A puzzle cannot be complete if there is even one piece missing. You are that one piece.

The key is joy, passion and zest for life. Follow that feeling and do what brings these wonderful emotions to you. By being in your joy, you raise your vibration. When you raise your vibration, you heal yourself, others, and the planet. Yes, really, you do! When you are joyful, truly passionate and living with your heart open, you are a healing force of Love and Light. That is your path. That is why you came. And you are such a powerful healer, we can’t do it without you.

Find your joy. Live your passion. Light up those around you with your fire.

This lifetime is too short to hold back any longer.



~Archangel Oracle

*Sacred Geometry Cards For The Visionary Path, by Francene Hart