Wisdom of the Council: Communicating with Energy

Wisdom of the Council: Communicating with Energy

Channel: Sara Landon | Source

We know you have everyday lives and jobs and responsibilities and special-label people and things you believe you need to do, and we understand. But it is more important than ever that you come fully into the embodiment of the light that you are, that that becomes your natural set point all throughout the day, that there’s nothing more important than you fully embodying the light that you are and allowing your communication with energy.

Your lives are going to get so much easier, so much lighter, so much more harmonious, so expansive, so amazing. And it’s simple. But yet, so often the human gets distracted by the physical senses instead of really embodying the light that you are and recognizing how energy is communicating with you in every moment, being so attuned to the consciousness level that you are in, so very aware of the force field of consciousness that you are and how much energy and light you’re summoning in every moment. And it does not take much.

If you will just do this, if you will make this shift, as simple as it is, it will truly allow you to take a quantum leap into whole new levels of potential, possibility, joy, abundance, wellbeing, freedom, creativity, love, all of those things that you’re experiencing more and more of now. But yet there is more.

Really feel the energy of taking a quantum leap into the next level of potential and possibility as a creator of reality while you also feel into witnessing the miraculous through the eyes of the master.

There’s no doing. There’s being, playing, creating, communicating with energy, playing with energy. There’s a whole force field of consciousness here that is you, and everything is within it. It’s not out there. And this is one of the biggest shifts you could make, and you’re ready for it now.

That dream in your heart, that highest expression of your soul’s desire, that deep desire within you, it’s already here. It’s already within you. It’s not out there. Nothing is out there. It’s all here within you, within the force field of consciousness that is you, in this place where energy is always communicating with you. It’s all here within your field of consciousness.

As you fully embody your light and illuminate the force field of consciousness that you are, you can now see that which was hidden or that which seemed up there, out there, or that which seemed like you had to go after and find and get and do so much to receive. It’s within you. It’s in the field of consciousness that you are. You just couldn’t see it without fully embodying your light and illuminating all that is here for you because it is you.

Energy is never communicating outside of you. It’s all communicating within the force field of reality, within the force field of consciousness that is your reality, within the field of reality. And whether you witness it or not is determined by how you perceive it and the embodiment of your light to illuminate the very reality of it.

And it matters not if your mind can figure this out. It matters only that you allow the activation of the knowing within you, of the field of consciousness that is you, of the energy that is always communicating with you, and the light that you are.

And some of you may come into the field of consciousness and have a moment. And we invite you to experience it now. Embody the light that you are. Come fully into the force field of consciousness that you are and feel into the energy and receive the communication. It is all here. It is all here. There is no out there. It’s all here. And you can feel it, and you know it, and you can witness the miraculous of all that is here now with the eyes of the master that you are.

This is so powerful. This is setting you up to receive on levels you have never allowed before. This is setting you up to take quantum leaps into the next-level reality that is here for you. This is expanding the potentials and the possibilities in ways you’ve never allowed yourself to experience before. And there’s nothing to do.