Message of The Day

“Allow me to sit with thee today and enfold you in my golden love, serenity, and peace. Just sit with me while your mind’s chatter fades and comes to a stop, and all that you feel is love and light. Let go of the apprehensions and worries of this new day, for there is nothing that you are not excited and happy to meet today – good or bad, happy or sad.
You do understand what it is to which I am referring? Namely, all the extremes and the in-betweens of the duality of the Third D world. I am giving you this gift of golden serenity which is deeper than just being at peace and accepting everything that comes to your awareness. For being serene and being able to sit as deep and still as you can in the peaceful light of your heart allows you to access a great deal of divine wisdom and understanding about the purpose of your life.
At first, you might not be able to see the entire picture clearly, or the rightful place of every event occurring in your life. But your heart will assist you to trust, smile, and let go of everything – good or bad – for everything is all right, the timing is right, and everything is just where it should be for your greatest benefit and growth. Don’t attach yourselves to anything coming to you, but let them go gracefully, after looking and analyzing them briefly, to see the meaning and the messages contained within, and then move on!” Buddha (channeled by Genoveva Coyle)