Message of The Day

“There has been much misinformation or skewed information that has been communicated over the years in various religious followings, but the truth that you are created as part of me, as part of all of creation in the image and likeness, the child of One, this is indelible truth. And I suggest to you, my friends, that you have the wisdom to know that truth, to know who you really are. And in that, to honor and to Love your sacred self exactly the way you Love us – nothing else makes sense. You cannot be in alignment with our mind and will and heart and be anything else. So I want you to feel and think of this as you go forward in this journey and in this time of tremendous opening on every single level above and below.
There has never been a time of such open creation upon the planet, not even in the time of Lemuria and Atlantis. So when you are in your heart and mind and will, remember the Love. And remember the Love not only that we have for you and that you have for us and that we share, remember the honoring and the Love that you are, that is your very fiber, and Love and cherish, honor, respect, nurture, and yes, care for your sweet self. And then with me declare “I AM.” Yahweh