COMMANDER KORTON OF COMMAND ASHTAR ~ We’re Working Hard On Your Earth Axis To Prevent A Pole Shift.

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Greetings Emanuel and Pastora, I am Commander Korton of Command Ashtar, and I wanted to pass by to give you information by instructions of the beloved Commander Ashtar Sheran, to inform you that we are working strongly with the planetary axis, with the magnetic axis.

As you know, the planet Hercobolus is already within the solar system, it is producing a strong influence on the magnetic field of the planet. The axis has wobbled on several occasions. There is a specialized team of the Commandos working so that the axis is not reversed. Because when the axis of the planet is reversed, a great hecatombe would occur worldwide, and that is not what is wanted.

We are all Commands and all Kryon Magnetic Service working too. All technologies are being applied, all the necessary engineering, to restore, to avoid this field inversion. It’s a pretty, pretty powerful influence.

You see how the planet is moved, in many places, quite difficult situations for the population, for the planet itself. All this is the product of the great energies and influence that all this causes together. Because it is not only the presence of the planet Hercobolus, it is also all the solar activity, because it has an impact.

The influence of the planet Hercobolus also affects our sun. The sun enters an increasingly pronounced, larger, more frequent activity. You can see already high-classification calls, 5X calls, as scientists on their plane rank among the highest.

They are practically experiencing continuous Solar Flashes since September last year in their calendar, until now intense solar activity has not stopped and all this influenced by the gravitational field that the planet Hercobolus exercises on the solar system and on the planet.

We are the Commandos using our best technology to help them, to assist them. Beloved Commander Ashtar wants you to know this information, because many people also wonder, what is happening on the planet, there are so many seismic movements, volcanoes, floods, extreme climate changes.

Well, pretty much there I have given them the answer. Just like this the planet is lining up, heading on its ascension spiral each time entering stronger energy zones.

Well my beloved this was the information that the beloved Commander Ashtar Sheran asked me to deliver to you, to publish it and expand it so that people know, know that it is what they are living and more and more this activity will increase.

Here we are all attentive, the Command’s technical team is attentive to any situation. There is also another team working on the volcanoes, avoiding higher-scale situations. The tectonic plates, it’s a great assistance that you receive my beloved from your Stellar Brothers.

I say goodbye with much love, with much peace.

I am Commander Korton of Ashtar Command.

Question, in case you can’t solve the problem of the axis, can you advance the solar flash?

It all depends Emanuel, all of us do our best to avoid that, it is not up to us whether the flash happens or not. It’s all the electromagnetic conditions that prevail. It has been stipulated, yes, there is a time when the Cosmic Scientists have calculated in relation to how close the influence of Hercobolus could be to the solar plan. There are studies of this information, but it is classified information that has not yet been released at the level of the Commandos.

Then you have to be attentive and alert, meanwhile we are still there fighting, avoiding bigger disasters, bigger consequences.

In this opportunity we don’t want the extinction of this humanity, we want humanity to ascend with its physical body those who will ascend. The others are already ready for rescue and taking them to places where they need to be taken. But we don’t want, like in other times, changes, cycle closures, humanity to change plans, humanity to die and start in other stellar systems.

That’s the answer, and if you feel satisfied, no one can give when they could advance or the flash could be delayed. It’s something that everything has been monitored and is already calculated, but even to a certain science an exact date is not known. What if I tell you, is that this 2025 of your calendar, will be very active at magnetic and electromagnetic energy level.

Well my beloved I say goodbye, I am Korton.

Emanuel and Pastora – ServIUM

ERKS -13/2/2025

Ishtar Ashtar Adonai