Greetings from Galactic Heart . . . |
Not only will we experience two New Moons in Leo, but also the spectacular Solar Eclipse on Aug. 21st. The Leo Refiners Fire will purify, regenerate and rebuild your physical life to reflect your true Soul essence in form. It is the perfect storm of confluent energies merging into a massive redirect for Gaia and humanity. Whoo Hoo! With all the lies being exposed, Truth is rising…demanding to be known. We came into the world during these very times to be paradigm busters, illusion breakers, veil lifters and heart awakeners. By participating in this process, we are overcoming all the illusions of humanity. Our hearts and minds need to be recentered on the essentials of life ~ Love and Joy. When we do we are in sync with the Universe and magic happens. Join us Sunday for a powerful webinar preparing for the rare, Monday, August 21st solar eclipse. When Starseeds and Lightworkers unite together with focused intentions and visions for a new world reality we affect the transformation we came here to participate in. United we are stronger than any other force on the planet! PAO’s motto has always been ~~ PEACE AND INNER STRENGTH THROUGH UNITY.Selamat Ja! |
Restoring Your Natural Conversation with the Creatorby Archangel Michael |
What you are dealing with in your reality right now is essential for your spiritual evolution and the transformation of the Earth. I, Archangel Michael, invite you to take a moment and breathe deeply, numerous messages are coming to you from the Universe of the Creator and from within your being. Everything is the Creator, and everything is speaking to you. The key is to take the time to listen and to allow your intuition and inner navigation to accentuate the message that is most important for you to acknowledge, accept, embody and act upon now. The message that is aligned to your soul and its quest upon the Earth will come forth to you with greater power and presence than any other message. The universe is speaking to you, every message is important, acting as golden opportunities of manifestation, experience and life. There are so many beautiful pathways of experience for you to embark upon on the Earth and many will bring you fulfilment, happiness and a deeper connection with the Creator. There is no wrong pathway; there is only creativity, exploration and understanding. The more you know yourself as a spiritual light being existing and exploring the Earth, the more you will receive the messages from within and the Universe of the Creator that are most fulfilling and aligned with your truth. It is time to let go of the perceptions of your mind and even your emotions, instead focus into your heart and let yourself feel, sense or acknowledge your energy, who you are and all that you are. Remember that the Creator in truth cannot be labelled or even described verbally or within your mind. You are the Creator which means that you cannot be described or even labelled, to do so limits you in understanding your expansive nature and essence. Instead feel who you are, observe the energies that create the you that you know yourself to be now. You may experience some beautiful loving energies; there could be energies of resistance, awkwardness and pain. Simply sit with who you are as energy, recognise and observe your energy until it feels familiar. With acceptance of the energy that composes who you are, your thoughts and emotions, your energies will transform which will bring a purification to your mind and emotions. When you know and simply sit with your energy more frequently, you will open yourself to receiving messages from your essence, your body, in truth all that you are. Not only will this create a strong feeling of inner guidance, it will also mean that negative thought or emotional patterns will not manifest as frequently. You received the intuitive message from your energy before it began to move into your thoughts, emotions, body and chakras manifesting as limitations and restrictions within your being and reality. If every part of your being is balanced, aligned with and experiencing the divine flow of the Creator then the messages you will receive will magnify and enhance your state of existence. Messages such as you are loved, you are worthy, anything is possible, and your power is working to manifest your dreams, will fill your body, being and reality. Your conversation with the Creator in the world around and within you will be blissfully nurturing and nourishing. |
You are always in constant conversation with the Creator; the Creator exists within everything, so your conservations are with everything within and around you. If a part of your being becomes unbalanced, maybe a negative thought is given energy or a reaction to an experience is unexpected and causes some chaos within your being, then it will be easy to pinpoint the energy causing the imbalance asking to discover the message it wishes you to receive and embody. Simply because the experience is negative doesn’t mean the message will be negative, each message is a conversation with the Creator. You began the conversation, and the Creator is replying to you. A message can be a feeling, realisation, word or in truth can be expressed in any creative way. It offers you a unique and beautiful pathway to realise your natural harmony and oneness with the Creator and all that is the Creator. Such messages could be to let go of fear, engage with love, gift yourself freedom, access your power, recognise your beauty or a feeling such as peace, freedom, happiness and so forth may arise. You are being guided at all times and are in constant conversation with the Creator when you are centred and balanced it is easy to recognise this and recentre yourself whenever you need to. There is no need for you to try to be perfect, simply to become familiar with who you are as an energetic being. When you lose focus of your centre and your awareness of yourself as a divine being of light existing on the Earth to experience all aspects of the Earth, you may begin to ignore the messages and conversations with the Creator that your being is naturally experiencing at all times whether you are asleep or awake. As you ignore the messages so they build, while some are positive and continue to magnify your essence and truth, others may regard imbalances within your being and could manifest as pain in your body or challenging circumstances in your reality. Still, they build until it is too chaotic to even know where to begin, which message to address first and even discovering the messages can be a struggle because of inner confusion and unaddressed energies. Many souls upon the Earth are currently experiencing this without even being aware of it. The chaos within is all the unreceived messages and conversations with the Creator which have been ignored and are climaxing and manifesting to get your attention. |
When chaos is manifesting within it can be difficult to know where to begin to unfold the messages to bring your focus back to your essence and truth, because of this I wish to share with you some steps to assist: ▪ Take a moment and breathe deeply to quieten your mind and emotions, focusing within.▪ When you are ready simply acknowledge that numerous messages are coming to you from the Universe of the Creator and from within your being, each message is to support you in remaining focused upon your centre; the truth of the Creator within you. ▪ Acknowledge that your natural ability is to be in conversation with the Creator and to receive inner This is not a mystical power or even experience. Essentially it is you in conversation with yourself. However, you are the Creator as is everything within and around you. ▪ Focus within and imagine, sense or acknowledge yourself as energy. Observe yourself as energy until it becomes familiar. You may recognise colours, memories, feelings or sensations. Observe and use your intuition to allow understanding to dawn. If an energy feels negative or uneasy to you, sit with it until it reveals its truth, its message or the understanding that is required for you to acknowledge. It may simply dissipate because the message is realised on a higher level of your being or you may receive the necessary insights to create transformation within your being and reality. At some point, you may feel guided to anchor certain energies from the Creator. You know exactly what is necessary and needed, it is important to trust yourself and go with the flow of that which is being drawn to your attention. If you are unable to transform the energy, then return to the same energy another time as there may be several layers of the energy. ▪ Rest or continue observing yourself as energy and acknowledge anything that comes to your awareness. It is important to note that you will recognise deeply loving energies, emotions and messages as well as resolving unbalanced or light lacking energies. This only needs to take a few minutes; it is important to acknowledge that you can transform your energies yourself and very quickly, without lengthy meditations. The more familiar you become with the practice, the easier you will find it to instantly acknowledge the messages without even following the steps I have provided or entering into meditation. In truth, you are coming back to yourself, your true awareness and your natural conversation with the Creator, which in itself is immensely healing. This is the most perfect time to reconnect with yourself, Archangel Michael |
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