Dawning Of A New Day--9-15-18 Arcturians Through Sue Lie
Message from The Arcturians and your Galactic Family
Through Suzanne Lie
Greetings from the Arcturians, as well as your entire Galactic Family, which is much larger than you may imagine. Please
As humans become more conscious of their “Higher SELF” who is their Multidimensional SELF, they will feel more and more of a need, an urge, to focus on the Core of the planet.
As more and more of humanity begins to “remember” that Gaia is a living being, they will begin to understand how person and planet are made up of the same elements of Earth, Air, Fire
Therefore, when you focus on Gaia’s Planetary Body, you are also focusing on Humanity's Human Body. Furthermore, each “element” of humanity’s Earth, Air, Fire
As humanity begins to “feel and accept” the higher frequencies of Light that are NOW entering Earth’s atmosphere, and therefore, all of her Planetary
“What does ‘ascension’ mean?” you may ask. Ascension is a transmutation of the frequency of reality into the next octave of vibration. Transmutation is change, alteration and/or transformation into the next octave of reality.
Just as only “awakened” humans are aware, they have a Core within them through which they can establish a conscious contact with the higher dimensional beings who are NOW orbiting our Galaxy to assist humanity on Earth with Gaia’s transmutation into the next octave of her Planetary Operating Frequency.
This “transmutation” will begin within the Core of Gaia’s Earth, as the Core of humanity's spinal cord. The Ancient Monks and Wise Ones knew that one day, likely in their distant future, that a higher frequency of vibration would enter Gaia’s atmosphere and move into Her Core.
Within Gaia’s Core are huge crystals, which “keep the lights on” on Earth’s surface. Just as humans and animals have hearts that beat to keep us alive, Gaia has huge crystals that serve
Unfortunately, there are still many humans on Earth who are not aware of Gaia’s Core or their own Core. Why is the human core, and Gaia’s Core are so important? The reason is that the force of Kundalini, which holds the alchemy to activate the “rise of humanity" and Gaia’s frequency of resonance.
For humans, this activation begins within their Kundalini, which is the “force of transmutation” that is located in the core of humanity’s spinal core and
When Gaia’s Kundalini Force is activated, the transmutation of the spinal cord will begin at the base of the spin and eventually flow up into the brain. This transmutation will activate the latent
This process is often known as Sacred Alchemy, which initiates one’s
Sacred Alchemy, which only the most evolved of humans were able to learn, teach and share, is a philosophical/scientific tradition that was first practiced throughout Egypt and Eurasia.
Alchemy is based on the concept of expanding the frequency rate of the earth, air, fire, water
Yes, after this great transmutation, ALL life will be considered as “living beings” in the same manner that humanity has been considered to be “living beings.” If any of
It is humanity’s illusion that humans are the most evolved beings on Earth, and will be revealed as a VERY small concept in the face of ALL LIFE resonating to the frequency of the fifth dimension. There have been “Ascended Masters,” who volunteered to come from their
We say “tried” because most of their teachings were misunderstood and misused. Therefore, the experiment came to a halt until the humans, who were supposed to be the most evolved beings, fell into the “Dark Night of the Soul” in which they all had to face and transmute ALL of their lower frequency, third dimensional actions, thoughts
Humanity still could not live 100% in Unconditional Love, which was necessary to complete one's transmutation into their
That tactic was also, only somewhat successful. It seemed that the Dark Ones who lived via “Power OVER Others,” had corrupted many of the humans who had chosen to enter Earth in their
As they soon realized, holding a
Some of these “seeds” grew and some died. However, the concept of transmutation slowly began to infiltrate more and more of humanity’s consciousness. Therefore, more and more Ascended Masters (beings who had already become
Sacred Alchemy began to expand into the hearts and minds of the humans who were able to gain mastery over their fear and to live within the protection of the
As you all know, many of these beings were murdered by the very humans that they sought to assist. However, there were always a few humans who were able to understand what was actually happening.
They were realizing that becoming an Ascended Master meant that each ONE had “ascended” their consciousness beyond any frequencies of fear, anger, sorrow or need to be better than or harm others. As you can imagine, this process took a VERY long time, and is still nowhere near perfect understanding, much less perfectly living the message.”
There is a philosophical and
Gaia, whose heart and mind are within Her Core, wishes to remind humanity that they too have a core, which runs up their spinal column. Within the Core of the Core of their Spinal column is the “Pathway for the Rise of the Kundalini.”
Within the Kundalini is stored the
Yes, every human has within their higher fourth and
Most of humanity is using a very small percentage of their innate brain power, even as low as two percent. “How can this be?” you ask. The answer is that too many people do NOT want to know. Too many humans are too busy just getting through the day, staying married, keeping their jobs, and raising their children.
It is no accident that humanity is faced with this challenge as Gaia’s frequency is moving more into the fourth dimension and even towards the fifth dimension. How does the experience of “living on 3D Earth change with each frequency of reality?
When one’s consciousness can only resonate to the
On the other hand, if their consciousness can resonate to the fourth dimension, they have a greater ability to choose what they want to experience in
However, outside of their dream world, friends and some creativity, they are usually unaware of the higher frequencies of reality. But, if they are able to allow themselves “time” for creativity, love, friends and a happy family system, they may well feel happy about their life.
When one is able to resonate
It is this latest group of humanity that are among the first ones to have dreams, meditations
This group of people
Many of these people have decided to document their dreams and higher dimensional experiences and
We, your Galactic Family, have chosen many of you to be the first ones to take a human earth vessel and incarnate on planet Earth to assist with Gaia’s Planetary Ascension, as well as the inter-dimensional fly-bys and
Also, more and more of you are having memories of a higher world, flying in a Starship and even landing on Earth. Many of the awakened and awakening ones are remembering their childhood in which they had an inter-dimensional experience, but the adults told you that it was “just your imagination.”
In fact, many of you are having and remembering experiences which could only be called “inter-dimensional.” Whereas “dimensions” once meant “a way to measure space in your
You are among the Galactics who chose to take
If you see a cloud that looks like a Starship, please remember that you are most likely seeing a Starship that is cloaked within a
You are remembering that you chose to take an earth vessel within this NOW so that you can experience the “Dawn of a New-Interdimensional Era” of reality. Some of you, in
YOU, the ONES who are awakened and awakening within this NOW, have a wonderful opportunity to participate and enjoy the DAWNING of the NEW DAY. However, this dawning is not just of a new “day,” but the dawning of a new, higher dimensional frequency of reality.
Just as you were likely nervous when you first started school as a young child, went away to college and/or got a “real job” as a young adult, you are now having the opportunity to experience a brand new way of thinking.
The illusions that Earth was the only planet that had intelligent life
We, the Angels, Archangels, Arcturians
“Welcome to the
Call us just before you go to sleep, and we will assist you to visit us in the higher dimensions. However, Gaia is a “free will planet,” so you need to ask, and we WILL answer!
See you on the Ship, again!
You Galactic Family