COMMANDER ASHTAR SHERAN ~ IMPORTANT CALL TO ALL BEINGS OF LIGHT. From Today Send Much Light To The Northern Country, The Future Of The Planet Is Played In These Elections That The Dark Have Set Their Trap.
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Greetings Emanuel and Pastor Peace Inverential, I am Commander Ashtar Sheran. Just stopped by to say hi and give them a short message. Here we are all standing in the fight as I always tell you, because our mission is always to help and protect them. We are at a defining stage, crucial for the planet at this current moment, when the fate of the North Country reins is at stake.
We are all deployed far and wide, the Commands from the satellites, we are on the lookout, vigilant. They won’t get away with it. There is a very strong operation. They’re doing all the traps, the negatives I mean, all to stay in power, to keep humiliating and controlling the entire planet. I tell you all, keep sending a lot of light to this northern country, that the light comes from all the children of Father Mother. We’re doing our part, we’re reviewing all systems, all communications, all processes.
You know very well, that this election system is a very weak system, archaic, obsolete, very likely to be intervened and adulterated and that’s worth, they have not wanted to change it for that itself, to always maintain the privilege and primacy of those who govern and of those the corrupt elite want to appoint to occupy the seat of the most controlling country I would say, but not more powerful, more controlling the planet. Because it is the base of operations of the dark forces.
Therefore I say unto you beloved, we work tirelessly and tirelessly. We need from the planet the collaboration of all the children of light, so that from today, they are radiating a lot of light on that country, on their elections and their results, so that there is no trap, no component, to give the results that have to be given, the real ones, the real ones.
I know a lot of people have their hands, feet up to their noses in all these traps, but we have them signed, detected. We continue to work all Commands.
Here is the new course of the planet. Systems are crumbling, oligarchies are crumbling, the power of money is running out of them, because people are waking up. There’s a massive awakening. The monarchies, the crowns, all of those, as I tell you, Shovels Athena, will fall. They will start to fall, because people have woken up, beings have woken up and they no longer want control of those systems, they want freedom, they want peace, they want equality.
They no longer want to plead those corrupt lizards, who only want to be adored, revered, revered and below causing the greatest harm to infants, children, living a luxurious life at the expense of innocent blood, taxes of the people, people who support and support that monarchy.
Beloved, let no one be confused, everything will come to the light and it’s coming out, it’s going out.
This was the message I want you to be united sending much light to all. Individually or if you want to join in groups, but it’s important to get rid of all the darkness that is in the electoral process of that country, distributing the votes of the people for their interests.
Good morning my beloved, I bid farewell, Inverential Peace. I am ashtar sheran.
Emanuel and Pastora – ServIUM
ERKS – 4/11/2024