MESSAGE OF THE DAY - Grener of Ashira of Neptune


“You have whispered, shouted, yelled, and prayed for the completion of your ascension process, which we are all witnessing and supporting however we might. And because you have been infused, first by the Mother’s Tsunami of Love, which continues on and we receive as well by the way, and then the Tsunami of One from the masters and the archangels, now you are ready. The infusion of this energy is, in many ways, to help you, assist you to make that final jump, that quantum leap through that permanent portal of ascension.

Not only is the physical splendor and diversity of this planet beyond wonder, look at the human beings…each of you are unique and different. Billions and billions and billions of unique soul designs coming together in harmony. This chaos will pass! You are coming together in harmony to co-create in a way that has never been known. Has it been an incredible, remarkable, phenomenal experiment? Well, yes, except it isn’t the experiment, it is the unfoldment of the Plan.”  Grener of Ashira of Neptune