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Greetings Emanuel and Pastora I am Commander Cajuil of the Ashtar Command. This morning I wanted to give an update on the advances that our process of contacting this humanity is making. We are reaching out individually or in groups, but small groups. We are contacting it in such a way to organize contact groups at the planetary level so that when the big event is given, have all the groups organized and the specified sites, which Commander Ashtar has already specified them.
We may not yet have all the complete contact, first-class, in some cases by situations we look a little further away, but if we have contacted through channels many groups on the planet who are awaiting our arrival, our arrival.
We have contacted really high frequency, high vibration, high spiritual elevation groups and we are in the process of reaching out.
Ashtar Command calls on all to be open to contact, so that we can all flow in this next phase. Our light, our vibration is of love, it will never cause fear or dread in you. We are getting everything ready for the mass contact they call.
That’s why many will probably internally feel that call for contact. Many want that contact. Many are already looking forward to our arrival. But there are some issues yet to overcome my beloved. These opposing forces, negative forces, have tried to make mankind see that we are dangerous beings, that we come to invade them and it is quite the opposite.
Our Commandos all are in the service of Our Great Commander, our beloved Sananda and Commander Ashtar Sheran. We come in Peace and Harmony. This contact has been announced for a long time. We are now at this stage. Already our ships are visible, ours are being observed in every sky on the planet, in every country.
But on the contrary, the negative forces are also doing their part, but soon they will drop their project they have, those shows they give. Our energies, our ships will kill it, not because we want to destroy them, no, it’s our vibration. It is the vibration of our Ships that make any frequency lower than the frequency of the Ship disappear.
That’s why we call them, and all our messages come in the condition that everyone raises their frequency so that they can tune into the frequency of the Ships, to the frequency of their Brothers in order to make contact.
Contact will be made with beings that meet high frequency high vibration high energy conditions. The synchronization is done from that level and stay tuned all light beings because we are going to contact them telepathically to put together the whole process. Many already know internally that they are contact personnel, that at the given time we will be there with them.
Well beloved, this was the message, don’t fear the contact of the dark elites. We’re behind the scenes watching all of this and also our Ships are grooving their skies.
We love them.
I am Commander Cajuil.
Emanuel and Pastora – ServIUM
ERKS -21/12/2024