Universal Mother Mary: Your intentions are clear and reaffirmed daily. You are here to change the system, to bring down the old structures, to expose the truth, to uncover big lies…Channeled by Genoveva Coyle.
Greetings my sweet angels of love! I am Universal Mother Mary, Mother of love and Mother of all, Mother of hope and Mother of change and transformation, Mother of you, My sweet Annas. I come here today to embrace you, to hold you in My arms, to fill you up with My nourishing, invigorating and restorative love and energy.
You have just talked to the Father. His masculine energy is what you need at times and yes, He will give you the power and the strength to move mountains and to overcome any obstacles and blockages in your way.
But there are times when He steps away, not completely for this is not possible, He just gives Me some more space to come through, so that I simply hold you in My heart, to allow thee to rest, stretch and expand and to be one with My essence, and just be and dream with Me for as long as you need.
I don’t have to explain to you how much you love these moments of closeness and togetherness, for you see, you question everything you see and feel, and then you get all excited and adventurous, ready to take off. You love to make these dreams we dream together come true, and you are the one making all the plans and the scenarios to bring them successfully into manifestation.
When you go out in your travels and expeditions through the universes and multiverses, I am with you, for as you know, as the Mother I simply have to be with you lovingly supervising, and marveling at your wisdom, your creativity and your resilience. While you work on these plans, I am sending My sons and daughters to protect you, to encourage and cheer you up or to simply keep you company and give you joy and strength.
But you have all the details, the twists and the turns of every dream written down, closely interwoven and coordinated with the plans of your beloved soul brothers and sisters, sweet Annas of Mine. And you have it all covered, down to the smallest detail, with all the back up plans so there is never, ever a failing outcome, but only fulfillment and victory.
Yes, there is free will and choice. Yes, you need the coordination and the cooperation of many others to have your plan come into manifestation. And I know how frustrating it may be at times when there are delays or, as you would see it, improvisations and replacements of the main characters. But let Me reassure you that you are extremely creative and resourceful in getting things done lovingly and for the benefit of everyone.
My sweet angels of love, you do not have the slightest idea how far your work is reaching out there, how many you are assisting, even when you think that you are being reprimanded and about to get into some kind of trouble.
Let’s get things straight! You are past the time when you had to learn your lessons the hard way. Your intentions are clear and reaffirmed daily…to serve and to bring only light and love to this magnificent planet, Gaia. Any deviation, any scenic detour from this path is easily and gently corrected because you are very attuned to our messages and to your own knowing, and you do not need harsh reminders and punishments. Anything that seems to go in that direction has a much greater purpose, much bigger than you want to know at this time.
You are here to change the system and to bring down the old structures. You do this by going through the dense and the thick, not alone, but with our support, with My brave warriors that will be immersing themselves into these dark spots of the old system while you are continuously expanding and holding the vibration and the light up high.
You are here to shine the light through the darkness so that everyone can see that in the new world that we are building there is no hiding, there are no secret files, and there will be no preferential treatment for anyone.
You are here, and most of you are working with Mi-ka-el, or with Germaine and with the entire Council, to expose the truth, to uncover big lies and manipulations of the ones that are still trying to cling onto their self-centered ways of being, while using the energies of others to gain more and to sustain themselves without any effort on their part.
Yes, you are dreaming big and you are magnificent and more than brilliant, you are be-dazzling in your beauty and purity.
I am with you sweet hearts, and I am so proud of each and every one of you! I will leave you with My infinite love and peace. Farewell.
By Permission.
© 2017 Council of Love, Inc.
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