+Crazy Spirituality-Too Much Choice-Much Overwhelm

Crazy Spirituality - Too Much Choice - Much Overwhelm

When I started my spiritual journey it was like a door opened. As soon as the light came in suddenly there were all these crazy spiritual beliefs shouting for my attention. Like paparazzi trying to get a piece of me, each one was louder than the next, each one was saying their way was the only way, and I was overwhelmed. The onslaught seemed to come from out of nowhere; first there was nothing, and then everything! 

If I believe in angels do I have to then automatically believe in unicorns? And aliens?? Are all the conspiracy theories something I really need to know about? Which type of witch am I? Should I be doing Yoga? What about my diet, my chakras and my kundalini? Do I need a psychic reading or should I get my astrological chart done? What about the Akashics? And does this affect my karma? I think you know what I’m talking about now, and I know some of you are overwhelmed too, so I won’t go on. It’s difficult to be discerning when the door has just opened for the first time and all the paparazzi-like beliefs want to recruit you at the same time. 

Just take a break for a moment and breathe. Nobody knows what is best for you better than you do.

If you are experiencing this I urge you to take your power back. Close the door for a while if you need to. Or put a bouncer on it. That’s what I did, I had a bouncer angel make sure that I only let in the elements that I needed at that time. It cut down on the interference and saved me a lot of hassle. Now that I’ve been doing this for a while, I am more confident in myself and able to say no to the things that are not for me. I’m more comfortable in my skin knowing that I’m not really missing out on the macha powder, nor do I need to have that astral projection experience, or ever take ayahuasca. 

And now I’m in the midst, teaching spirituality, I like to think that I’m not one of those paparazzi types! I don’t need to hook you in, I don’t need you to change for me, but I’m here if you want my help and guidance. When I teach, to make things easier for everyone, I strip it down to the bones of what it is. I take away the labels, the fancy explanations, and make it simple and clear. That’s what everyone says when they take my classes anyway! Was it Einstein who said “if you can’t explain it simply then you don’t understand it well enough?” So I keep everything simple, and everybody can then decide for themselves if it is for them.

That’s why Hay House loves what I do, and this week they launched my Energy Healing starter kit. You get a free ebook version of my Energy Healing Basics, and a couple of free videos of me teaching useful techniques with energy healing. At the basic level. If you’ve read my book already you’ll love the videos. I have had feedback from Reiki Master Teachers who say they loved the book, it helped them connect to the pure essence of the energy of healing, without all the fancy stuff. And only when you connect at that basic level do you truly let the healing in.

Yes! I want my free Hay House Energy Healing Starter Kit!

Once Hay House send you out the starter kit, you’ll then be given an opportunity to buy my online video course which compliments the eBook. I recorded it last January and Hay House got me a video coach, a make up artist, and they hired the most beautiful venue for a week, and we worked hard to make this class a really good asset for the world. I’m able to say hand on heart that I’m proud of the work that we did, it wouldn’t have been the same without their input. There are resources there for you in the form of worksheets, audio meditations, and video classes, and the graphics they made are wow.

The beauty of Energy Healing at it's basic level is that the way to go deeper and unlock more of your own potential, is to practice, practice practice. To sit and allow yourself to blossom. The techniques are the same, you just open more to them. Someone who is at Reiki Master level 7 (yes that exists) who doesn’t practice their self-healing every day is more than likely not as powerful a healer as someone that has never had a Reiki attunement who practices self-healing every day without fail. It’s about being the work, embodying it, doing it, becoming it. And this is something that I cannot do for you, you have to do this part yourself.

This work will help you raise your vibration and feel better, AND of course, you get to have me right there on your device to guide you with no complex concepts, going right to the core of healing, to help you become the master of your emotions and radiate out to the world with the shining light that you are. You are, you know. And we all need to shine our lights brighter, and stronger, more than ever.

Much love to you,