Higher Realizations

Higher Realizations

Greetings to You! From heart to heart in this moment we speak, I am Kejraj!

The old reality continues to fade for you have arrived to a new and higher realization.

You are allowing the false beliefs to dissipate as you continue to expand in consciousness, by returning and remembering the light within.

The Universe has seen what is the lowest point energetically that a divine and conscious being would still be able to function at.

The Third Dimension is that lowest point, where a conscious being, embodying spiritual light can still create and find purpose. Creation as a whole has learned much from all of this.

From here on, the journey is upward spirals into the higher realities of the cosmos.

Your DNA is being activated now, as we have stated previously you were coded to awaken during this time.

Your spiritual abilities are coming online, readying for your long awaited upliftment into the frequencies of the divine realms.

You are preparing to enter a space where miracles are instantaneous, and creations are in alignment with the highest good of the collective.

Welcome, Galactic Human!