“Re: James’ Further Questions” by Ron Giles – 7.29.18
Entry Submitted by Ron Giles at 9:23 PM EDT on July 29, 2018
“In Response to Ron Giles” by James – 7.28.18
1. As for the QFS accounts, may we have more than one QFS account such as one for personal, one for project 1, one for project 2, etc.?
Response: Yes…. The QFS is designed to be of service in support of all your personal or business financial transactions.
2. You stated, “
Response: It is incumbent upon all currency holders to have thought through their intent for the use of the money. If you meditate and open your mind, your Spiritual Guidance system will help you feel to ask for the rate that will support your
3. Continuing with the rates, if the ‘base rate’(for those without
Response: There is no limit for Light Workers. Thousand or hundreds of thousand may be appropriate. The amount of Zim or other currencies you
4. People on this site talk about 90/10 or 80/20 regarding usage of the fund for projects vs. personal. What say you? Will there be some kind of
Response: If you have a 100 T note and get a rate of one dollar you will receive $100 trillion dollars. You would never be able to spend $20 Trillion, $10 Trillion or even a Trillion on yourself. This formula had to do with the exchange of Dinar, Dong etc., but not Zim. The bottom line is this – you must create the Abundance Mentality in yourself first and then help others to do the same. Lack mentality is Anti-Christ and does not serve any useful purpose. Spending money on yourself, your family, and even your friends should never be a regrettable event. You are the Sovereign Steward of these funds and the money is your friend. There is no wisdom in shorting yourself or not buying something you want. Buy something you want and then see how you feel. If it doesn’t feel good then adjust your thinking. If it does feel good, you’re right on course. Your
5. You brought up the subject of ‘med beds’. Do you know how long we may (or expect to) live with the help of med beds? Obviously, that will influence our plans for life, projects, and everything else.
Response: Med Beds are a crutch to use until you know you can heal your own body. They will be a transition technology that as Humans transition from 3D to %5D, may be used to help us through the transition until we need them no longer. As you come to know who and what you are and connect to that inner knowing, you will also know when it’s is time to leave the 3D body behind and move on to a higher vibration with new experiences. No limitations, no outside expectations. Your
6. Other than med beds, they say other higher technologies will be disclosed and made available. IF such things as free energy, anti-gravity, and/or replicator become readily available, what will happen to many projects (to be applied when the funds become available) such as solar or other renewable technologies, anti-virus or anti-cancer studies, transportation and distribution technologies, etc.?
Response: There is so much waiting for us in the future that will affect our plans today moving forward. The road has many turns but you don’t make the turns until you get there. We can only do our projects with the technology we have now. I know there will be many, many changes to my projects that may even need to be scrapped for something better. We will have all the money we need to invest in today’s technology and still have all we will need to adjust and implement the new technology that may replace it. Keep in mind that hundreds of
7. You say that “there is only one QFS and every Human on the planet will have their own personal account in the QFS” And, people say that everyone will receive
Response: This is a very good question.
I thank you,
Bless you