Beloved Ones, The energies continue to amplify in their intensity. Many of you are taking time out to enjoy the wonders of the natural world and this connection enables the experience of oneness with all that surrounds you. You know that there is a reason and purpose for your presence in this world as you continue to bridge two converging realities. It is the gift you bring to your world. You have the strength within you to walk in a peaceful, aware, and conscious manner knowing that all that happens in your world is in the flow of the Divine purpose moving through you. You feel the excitement of creative potential and possibility as you enter a new phase in life and old energies are cleared and lifted from you. The former perceptions and choices you have made now bring you greater growth, awareness and expansion. This healing from within brings the recognition that you as a sovereign soul have the freedom to do and be whatever you want. Claim your right to reach for the ever expanding heights, claim your right to manifest your life from a higher level of being. Make that commitment to your own expansion and experience and know that all you will ever need is given and what is given must be shared with others in a way that is in harmony with your own personal life and rhythm. Feel the joy as life blossoms around you in full bloom, feel the sense of renewal and regeneration, the rebirth taking place in your body, mind and spirit as you view the world you live in from a new wholeness and awareness of the oneness within you. Move forward with confidence knowing the pieces of the puzzle of life in the physical now come together. |
As you focus on gathering together and tying up all the loose ends of your life, you perceive that the only limitations are those that you set upon yourself. You are master of all that takes place and you become your own greatest ally in this lifetime by removing the limitations as you move forward. You have full responsibility and control of your life and what direction you want it to go. This is freedom, the freedom to direct and choose every thought, every word, and action to lead you upon the path of greater expansion. No matter where you live or what is happening there, you are the one who has control over your own actions, reactions and choices. No one else can make the choices for you, you alone hold that power, you it is who creates the structure as you seek to manifest the potential that has awakened within you. Follow your inner guidance and direction with unwavering faith and determination as you move into the realm of infinite refinement of pure expression. The old structures are falling away as the new ones come into being through your individual and collective efforts. This calls for a renewed effort of dedication, focused energy and a greater clarity of purpose. Spiritual concepts give you a greater understanding of the movement of the evolutionary path that is ever before you. There are ever greater levels and dimensions to traverse and master. This is what life on Earth tries to teach you, that your current obstacles and challenges are but stepping stones to the mastery of skills and talents that your soul wishes to experience, own and embody. The key word here is experience, for in order to attain mastery in any area of spiritual understanding, one needs to actually be a part of it so that one can take that gained growth and understanding and apply it to the greater unification of one’s diverse aspects of the Divine self in totality. This is the truth of your evolvement into greater awareness. |
As you evolve you bring balance, harmony and peace within which brings healing, release and a new wholeness to the unified aspects within your greater potential. You rise above mundane frustrations and transcend them as you comprehend the lessons they hold and ask for help in transforming yourself. You become a master who turns perceived weakness into strength by utilizing and directing the light that you are into a greater expression of your soul. For those of you still floundering trying to find your direction, we recommend The Total Energy Clearingexercise until equilibrium is regained. Know that within every experience and encounter, integration of all of your aspects is taking place and all is well and everything is perfect. Until next week… I AM Hilarion 2009-2016 Marlene Swetlishoff/Tsu-tana Note from Colleen: I LOVE THIS BOOK. I keep it by my nightstand and whenever I'm feeling down about world affairs, I choose to read a few pages of this book and I feel back in alignment with my true mission. The Hilarion Connection©, Book One available here Notice is hereby given that the creation of videos by people other than the author/channel/scribe of any messages from this author/channel/scribe is prohibited unless authorized by her. Permission is given to share this text message on other blogs and websites as long as the text message is posted in its entirety and nothing has been changed, or altered in any way and author/channel/scribe's credit, copyright and live website links are included as the source of the messages. |
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