The Galactic Federation of Light:Intentions and 5D

The Galactic Federation of Light: Intentions and 5D Timeline

Channel: Octavia Vasile | Source

Greetings to all of you. We are delighted to connect with you once again. This is a crucial time in the history of humanity, and we are eager to assist and ensure that everything aligns with the highest 5D plan.

Soon, significant information regarding extraterrestrial life will be disclosed. Please support us by engaging in the CE5 protocol, gathering your soul family, and deepening your connection.

We acknowledge that humans have free will. Therefore, once you have elected your government and delegated to them the authority to make decisions regarding disclosure, it is unfortunate that their intentions may not align with the 5D timeline. As a result, the fleets of the Galactic Federation cannot appear in large numbers on Earth if those who make the decisions are opposed. It is important to recognize that your free will is paramount, and if the decision-makers disagree, we must respect their wishes.

However, do you feel differently about this? Would you be pleased to have more contact with us and for this information to be made public?

If so, please affirm: ‘I do not give the right to make decisions on my behalf to any government, authority, party, or organization that opposes making information about extraterrestrial life public. My will is to experience contact with them for the highest benefit of humanity.’

Please engage in the CE5 Initiative and encourage your friends to join you.

We are right here, beside you.

Are you ready to meet us?

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