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Inverential Peace, beloved Emanuel and Pastora, I am Commander Ashtar Sheran, I greet you from my heart to your heart. If I commented with Pastora that there are some breakthroughs I want to communicate to you and this is more than all referring to the part of disclosure, what they call the Disclosure.

I tell you my beloved, we don’t stop. Here there is no time, no day and no night. We are oppressed and we will not be happy and content, until this humanity is completely free.

My beloved, and we are very close, for this complete liberation to take place on the planet. We’ve already worked on the topic of the beloved satellites. Already the satellites, we’ve been camouflaging them, we’ve gone replacing them. The previous satellites of the dark forces, by our satellites, by light satellites. When they want to get in they can’t anymore.

We’ve made a great breakthrough in this my beloveds. And we have personnel on the ground, the White Hats and other allies assisting us, who are there ready for when the time comes to make total and definitive change.

Dark forces do not give their arm to twist my beloved, they do not inform that, because it does not suit them. This is how we’re doing with the financial system the same. They work on something, try to schedule, we change them and then they don’t work. But they never say it, they’re all cornered.

Beloved, the planetary situation is quite turbulent, you can all see all the transmutations that are happening at the elemental level. All these are processes that we have already told you, that are natural, that are transmutation processes that Mother Earth carries. We have already announced and told them, that stronger situations are still missing.

But it’s not for fear, no, no. We don’t work from that perspective, it’s for everyone to be in the knowledge and take the predictions that it will take place. We always tell you, the children of light are always present. And it is not that we make preference, because we assist all mankind, but especially, all those who are on mission of service. We are reorienting them, we are accommodating them.

Perhaps some for no reason decide to move to other guided sites from within by that force, to make themselves safe from some major transmutations that would take place in their area where they initially lived. There is protection for all my loved ones.

Also, you know that the negative forces are always looking, and now they are in the process of generating a world war, the third world war. I’ve always told him, we’re not going to allow it. We are not going to allow the use of nuclear weapons, any kind of detonation that could cause damage to the planet and damage dimensionally. They feel cornered, they’re cornered and they don’t have to invent it anymore, they know their days are numbered and they want to do all the damage they can before they leave.

It is important as I have always told you, everything that develops now in the northern country in these coming months, the results you get will make the difference, that is why they are desperate, because they know that time is running out, they are expiring their projects, and want do it leaving the planet in the mess they want to do to it.

Because I tell you my beloved, they have technology, they are assisted by negative forces and if they can, if they get to detonate those lethal weapons they can come to the destruction of the planet, and we will not allow that to any of them. I told you, we have your missiles, we have identified your weapons. We know they have some very hidden ones, that can’t be detected by any technology, but we have already looked for them around as they say, and we are already discovering where they have them.

We requested assistance, yes, but there’s all the Intergalactic Command giving us support. We are a team and we are at the orders of Father Mother Adonai to carry out this planetary liberation.

My beloved, as I always tell you, we do the heavy work, but the real work for humanity, must be done internally, each person. Each being must do their inner work of liberation, we can assist them, but that process is up to each one who must work and work individually. There we cannot intervene, because we would be violating the free will of every being.

We help you in the thick, in the part that you cannot as humanity, and controlled humanity, intervened, nothing you can do beyond your reach. Because they are demons guided from other realities, to enslave, to plunge the planet into chaos and disrupt the plan of Father Mother Adonai.

The energies are very strong my beloveds, the portals, the eclipses now, all of this helps the planet energetically the souls and beings in their clearing processes, adjustments, but you have to do it intentionally.

Well, my beloved, let’s wait as he told you, the Disclosure. They don’t have much time left, the trials are coming. We have almost all of the satellites taken. The control they have of all social media networks, that control will be over soon, very soon.

Beloved, I bid farewell, I Am Astar Sheran, Inverential Peace.

Emanuel and Pastora – ServIUM

ERKS – 02/10/2024

Commanders Ishtar and Ashtar