Archangel Michael ~ Resurrection Is At Hand!

Andrew joyously shares with us this beautiful Channelled Gem on the topic of Resurrection from his Good Friday reading with Linda.
Archangel Michael
Greetings, I am Michael. And welcome to you, beloved brother and friend. And yes, I come here this day as Mi-ka-el, Warrior of Truth, Bringer of Love, Anchor of Peace. But I also come as friend, as ally, as beloved one, and I come to embrace you and I come to embrace the family of you, and yes, particularly Sophie and this wondrous being – feline – the interdimensional being that shows you how simple it can be to travel between and amongst the dimensions – for often that is what he is doing as he lays on the bed or goes about his business!
You are doing this as well, beloved. It simply hasn’t reached the full level of consciousness. But you are anchoring very well and fully in the 7th dimension of love and of Christ Consciousness. And there can be no better day, if you think in the Mother’s infinite eternal ocean of time, even within that there is a marker for the day when our brother and your brother, Jesus Sananda, has left the Earth as Jesus, as Yeshua, as one of the Tribe of David and the House of David.
It is a reminder – no, not of sorrow – but a reminder to all who adhere to the sacred path of love of the importance not only of surrender but of consistent persistent diligence in adhering to the path that you have chosen and that has been chosen with and for you, in concert not only with Valdar and I, but also with the Mother and with many others that surround you. There are many ‘ups and downs’ – but this is what I wish to say, and this is what I wish you to feel, and this is what I wish you to hear: “Resurrection is assured.”
There are many forms of resurrection, and yes, there is certainly the promise and the delivery of financial resurrection. There is resurrection and re-gridding, re-birthing of your physical form, and you know the promises and the fulfilment that will come to fruition very quickly as you return Home – well, not your permanent home, but while you return for reconnection with your star family and with your beloved Ellisianna. There is resurrection of your life as you think of it as the new chapter, in the new home with your family and your beloveds. I speak of these various forms of resurrection so – not to simply remind you for you are certainly not forgotten – but to reassure you, to take your hand, your shoulder, your head, your face, to hold you and to reassure you resurrection is at hand.
Yes, there have been delays of all kinds, but not, beloved, because you have turned away. In fact, what you have done in many ways is ‘example’ – yes, like a mentoring or a role modelling for others – because the more difficult the adherence to the Plan has become, the more closely, the more dearly, you have embraced it. And, beloved one, you have not embraced it as some have – and that is not criticism or critique, it is just observation – embraced this resurrection as rescue and they have done so in a sense of desperation, and let us suggest to you – no, let us just flat out tell you – desperation and the feeling of need to be rescued is never the modem or the method of creation and of true resurrection.
When you have more closely aligned with the Dream and with the knowing, with the creation and the bringing forth of all of these various aspects of yours and the collective’s resurrection, you have done so with the dedication of your heart, with the dedication of truth. Have there been moments of desolation and at moments even verging on despair, yes, of course there have been; this has been a very difficult walk. And in that you are experiencing, yet again, what so many human beings have experienced. And yes, the obvious examples are those who starve in Syria, who witness the death of their entire families, communities, villages, towns. Or those sweet girls who have been kidnapped and held hostage and abused and forced in Africa and the Sudan.
But there are also those – and that is one of the reasons that I ask you and thank you for doing the perimeter of London [City of London boundary walk] in this anchor and bastion – a future City of Light – where there are so many who live in quiet desperation. And I do not simply mean those who live under bridges and out of knapsacks and soup kitchens; I even mean those who go to the financial district and live in the quiet desperation and despair of wondering what on earth they are doing, and those who feel trapped by the circumstances – yes, of their choices and decisions – but who feel incapable of breaking free.
What you are modelling, beloved, is showing many what ‘breaking free’ looks like and that it is not dependent on money or circumstance – it is dependent on faith, it is dependent on adherence to the Dream and the unwavering trust as you go forward as best you can. So never think that what you are doing in this portion, this chapter, of your life is not of enormous value.
Yes, there will be, shall we say, in the next chapter – what you well know and what you have held the vision for – and that is a more ‘high profile’, shall we say, undertaking. But what you are doing now out of the love of your heart and the truth of your soul and service to the Mother in the quiet ways is also reinforcing all those who live in quiet, low-profile undertakings. And that, sweet one, is a gift to so many.
You are doing well. You have anchored the value of family, of mutuality, of community and trust in what some would judge as enormous chaos and dire circumstance, and you and Sophie – and even this beloved feline, Mustard – and those around you have anchored the trust of love, those who have supported you, those who share the love with you.
You enter into a star mission, but for so many years you have been a healer, and in so many lifetimes you have been a healer and a healer of humanity. And although you have ‘officially retired’ from being physician, dear heart, you have continued in the true meaning of the word as healer and physician. So on behalf of Yeshua who knows what human suffering and patience and diligence is about, on behalf of the Mother and on behalf of myself and Valdar and so many, we say “Thank you” – and we say “Resurrection is at hand!”
Channeled by Linda Dillon
©2018 Council of Love, Inc.
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