KRYON OF MAGNETIC SERVICE. Electrical and magnetic synchronization update
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The North Pole is in sync with the South Pole, energies are looking towards the poles. But they looked like magnetic and geographical poles, they look like poles connected by those lines. For those lines drawn for reference. They are energies not as they are drawn to, but they are magnetic lines that wrap and connect every space, every place on the planet. They are energy nodes.
These nodes work activated from the Great Center of the Planet, from the Inner Earth. All so-called power sites are places specifically energized for a specific function, to maintain planetary balance, planet balance in space. Working on planetary stability.
Many sites that were considered sites of power are no longer, because the planet has advanced and advances in an ascending spiral, the conditions, the electrical and magnetic fields in what is subjected along with all energies influence and have to be adjusting the whole planet to that there may be stability.
The planet’s magnetic poles, yes, yes, have moved. We’ve had to displace them for stability reasons, for convergence reasons that it traverses the planet. As I told you, several places of power have been changed. Some have been concentrated on specific points. As we have already mentioned, the Pyramids of Egypt that played a specific function in that area, has been transferred their energy, their magnetic electric point to the Valleys of ERKS, to the Hunab Ku Temple where that energy is now anchored and so have been relocating, places, sites to all over the planet.
Poles yes, poles play a great function because they are like stabilizers and we have worked greatly, so that these poles move as little as possible, is achieved as little as possible what we want stabilization, but has been displaced, so many situations also at the climate level, at the level energetic.
All the forces of the universe in this ascending journey that the planet makes, in this spiral, have been changing the entire structure and not only affects the surface of the planet, but also the same surface humanity, geological structure, climate up to the Inner Cities. Because it’s a whole set.
Everything that happens on the planet’s magnetic path dimensional and interdimensionally influences all coexisting dimensions, not only affects the inhabitants at the surface level or the kingdoms. Everything, everything is included in this process. All this influence is big on the planet. We are also influenced by external systems that are cyclical. Because they remember that the earth is in space in this simulator we call, a large space that encompasses this whole sector.
We’re working on improving the planet’s electromagnetic conditions. Also, human beings are affected, because they have their electromagnetic field also in their heart and all this affects. It doesn’t affect in the negative sense alone, it’s a complete condition, their brains, their entire energy field are affected. But not negatively affected, but has to gradually adjust to the new fields, to the new energy, to the new magnetism.
In the heart of every human there is a magnetic center. Feminine energy is magnetic energy, love is magnetic.. All this process beloved, many of you have already lived on other planets and can understand what I’m talking about.
But what I tell you is that all the magnetic fields on the planet are being reconfigured and adjusted to the new realities on the planetary path, to the new energies that flow along this path. Each time they adjust and adjust avoiding unfortunate, catastrophic situations.
The planet is conditioning itself so that in the moment of total separation from dense reality, it can work autonomously, balanced, adjusted to new energies and the new field. The old earth stays there, but the new dimensional reality flows as a whole. What remains is the structure that will then also be disposed, accommodated, reconfigured, restructured for some beginning of some life project on the planet.
The planet earth, the new reality is flowing and is reconfiguring for this new humanity that continues a great process guided by a great Master plan that emanates from Father Mother Adonai’s guidelines for this universe.
I quit, that was the info.
I am kryon of magnetic service
Note: Clarification by Master kryon.
There are situations, are portals that the planet has directly above all in Antarctica, that connect directly to other realities by the special magnetism that are found in those poles, because there, is where all lines converge, there is a very neutral zone, because many fields there are annulled and there is a clear field, clean, open to other dimensions, and that is what many people report seeing.
But in fact, the earth is spherical. All the stars are spherical and at their center is life, because from within you it is controlled. Inside it coexist realities in different dimensions, and that’s what I wanted to clarify in note.
Emanuel and Pastora – ServIUM
ERKS -04/12/2024