LORD SANANDA ~ THE CRUCIAL MOMENT WE LIVE IN. “Great Call to All the Pillars of Light, the 144 and the 144,000”
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Beloved of my heart, I bless you, I greet you all with this great heart and this great love that emanates from my Being for all this humanity I have always loved, which has always been my great goal to love and assist them for all this humanity to follow the process universal evolutionary.
All this humanity that was so long immersed in darkness, of inter knowledge blackened in darkness. A manipulated knowledge, most of my teachings are also manipulated to instill fear in them, for control and for dominance.
Be blessed to be in this present moment in the here and now.
All those who came on a service mission, all those who came as Pillars of Light like the 144 and the 144,000 we are already at the decisive moment. I call you all from the inside of your hearts, to activate and activate. The moment we live in is crucial, very crucial for all of humanity.
Right now we’re giving our all for everything. All their Guides, all their mentors. All beings who have committed themselves to this plan that Father Mother has designed for this moment, and to which I am committed to the Great Love for this humanity.
I don’t want any of my Eagles, I won’t call them sheep anymore, I’ll call them my Eagles because it’s time to take flight and fly high. Because everyone has that great potential inside of them, because everyone has that big potential of awakening, for raising awareness, so everyone will understand that they are not here for tourism. They are here because it is necessary to give this great service to this humanity and this planet for this great process.
Come on y’all it’s that time. I call you to your heart, there where I have never been apart, where I always am, in that sacred place I will always be with you. I call you there to activate, for light and love to flow. Put aside the world, all the vanity, lower your egos. Integrate all, I have always called you to humanity all. Not one side, the other, pulling back and forth.
It is necessary that everyone should go looking for roads, bridges to integrate. Go find paths to the light. In unity there is strength my beloved. I call you to your heart, where I am I give you a great call to open up, so your heart begins to radiate the light that is, the love that is in peace.
We need you we are in very difficult times beloved. Let’s not give them an opportunity for the negative forces to continue doing their thing. When they see their light, when they see the light in our hearts they run away, they run unafraid because our light, our energy is so great that it repels them.
Work, keep working. Use all of this powerful energy that the universe gives to you all for your well-being, for your evolution.
Soon I will be with you children of the Most High, soon I will be with my beloved touring, stepping again on these lands of this planet whom I love and which is my goal, my great intention to help them with all my equipment, to reach the highest vibrational levels.
Work, work on your inner self my beloved. Don’t leave it until tomorrow to clean your bodies, to connect, to meditate, to pray, to connect with this universe of light. Both the internal connection and external connection with the children of light are important.
Beloved, I bid farewell, enjoy this great energy that is entering the planet. All this energy is for your own good, for your cleansing, activation and protection.
I bless you all, I am Sananda and I am accompanied by my Divine Consort, the Beloved Lady Nada.
My peace I leave you, my peace I give you, not as the world gives peace, but as Father and Mother gives peace in their hearts. Live in light in your hearts, bless you all.
Emanuel and Pastora – ServIUM
ERKS -12/12/2024