Intentions for Ascensionby Master Kuthumi from Natalie Glasson ~ Part 2 A Golden Pathway to the Divine |
As understanding blossoms from your being with divine timing and a contentment in easily sharing with others enhances, so vibrations and experiences of peace awaken from within your being. This energy of peace will impact numerous areas and aspects of your being, fuelling your ascension process and golden pathway magnificently. Thus the result is the presence of change, transformation and evolution. Many souls are fearful or resist change and yet it is their greatest desire. It is important to allow the vibration of peace within you to enthuse and synthesis with the changes and transformations you experience. Such words as transformation, are connected to spiritual insights and experiences however when experiencing your ascension pathway, it is within your physical body, physical reality and earthly circumstances that you notice alterations, differences and shifts. It is often change at a physical level which is the most feared and resisted. It is not so much the transformations into your divine being but the unknown impact it will have upon your Earthly being and reality which causes concern and creates struggle. Simply recognise the natural and ever-present vibration of peace within your being and emanate it to any fears or resistance you hold concerning change. Let your fears unravel and dissolve until you discover yourself in a space of being at peace with the course of alteration whether it is known or unknown. If you find yourself stating upon connecting with my insights that you are perfectly comfortable with change of all forms, I Master Kuthumi, encourage you to think again and take time to explore. Often that which is our greatest resistance in our ascension process is also what we are blind to. ‘I am at peace with the course of alteration.’With your acceptance of change, you will experience contentment as your inner wisdom, guidance and intuition also transforms, changes and alters. It is natural for your understanding of yourself to transform, the quicker you vibrate, and the more expansive your consciousness and conscious awareness becomes, therefore the more expansive your self-exploration. This is why it is appropriate to follow the most recent inner guidance shared with you through your being or another. Even if you aligned and resonated with the insight it is your present connection with yourself and the insights born from your current vibration which are of most importance. By this I mean, if in the past you awakened a dream or desire for yourself upon the Earth which is aligned with and magnifies your spiritual pathway and has not manifested, check whether it is still relevant. This way you are not holding onto insights from the past which however positive they may be could be having a negative or blocking impact upon your current stage of ascension. It is also important to realise whether you use change as a source of distraction to lead your focus away from your spiritual pathway or not. With numerous changes developing from within your being it is essential to remain centred accepting only what carries you forth in harmony, balance and alignment with your inner essence of truth. This may mean that greater contemplation and attunement to your insights will be needed to ensure your essence is centred within all you are, do and experience. |
‘I allow my intuition to guide me rather than the changes manifesting in my reality.’Ascension is eternal but the way in which you ascend changes and develops, constantly altering the reality you experience. Your purpose and intention at this time are to expand your understanding of ascension, offering a greater sense of security and foundation to your ascension pathway as well as deepening and refining your ascension experience upon the Earth. You may not feel as if you have been walking upon a precious and divine golden pathway, especially if at this moment you are searching for a direction to focus your spiritual intentions and desires to evolve. However, you have been walking a pathway which can only be described as golden since your very creation as a magnificent soul. Ascension is the label for your golden pathway with its transitions of understanding that you endeavour to explore. Everything on the Earth and within your being is experiencing advanced stages of energy, consciousness and perspective transitions. This means that everything within and around you is altering dramatically with each breath you inhale. Never before has your breathe been so valued. It has always fuelled your physical body; now it is creating a stable nurturing for the essence of your truth. Inhale deeply and exhale with a firm intention within your mind that your breath is now assisting aprofound cosmic awakening within you which has been long awaited and will reinstate your spiritual powers. Change has been long feared by many on the Earth, yet it is the core of the ascension process. There is a need to make peace with the course of alteration realising that you do not have to ride the waves of accelerating consciousness alone. You will always be guided from the physical realms of the Earth and the spiritual energetic realms of the inner planes. |
‘I inhale the Creator, I exhale the Creator; I am the Creator.’We have now entered into the energetic vibration of the Era of Love and the Earth’s embodiment of Venus energies; this in itself is a great achievement for humanity and all upon the inner planes. The focused, energetic quickening of many upon the Earth has caused ascension to accelerate in speed dramatically. It is your focus in past lifetimes and your current lifetime which has brought the current stage of ascension into fruition. Your soul has been waiting to bathe in love so allow yourself to enjoy the love flowing into the Earth now from Venus and awakening from within your being. Let every moment remind you of the love of your being and enhance the presence of love within your being. Let love be your focus not because it will aid your ascension, because it is something your soul has longed to experience and rejoice in. Let yourself perceive your ascension process as a fun, enjoyable and pleasurable experience as in doing so you will observe gratitude radiating from your being, your energy vibration quickening, and your light quotient advancing. ‘I enjoy the presence of the Creator’s love within and around me.’Another intention which supports your ascension pathway is to be content in your experience of your solid material reality. Sometimes awakening and realisation of self as a spiritual being creates an experience of how slow, solid and material the Earthly reality can be. Your experience of both the slower vibrations of the Earth and the quick light vibrations of the inner planes of your soul can cause you to reject the Earthly reality. The transition between one reality and the other can become confusing and too much to experience. It is your purpose to create a bridge of light between your physical reality and your spiritual being. This will launch a further transformation within aiding your ascension however it will create the merge which is necessary for ascension, the synthesis of the Earthly aspect with the highest vibrational essence of self you are willing to recognise within you. Every moment of your existence as a human you are a spiritual creator connected light being and consciousness inhabiting a physical body. Often the physical body takes prime focus until a bridge between the physical and spiritual energy of your being is reformed. Awakened consciousness and inspired understanding of yourself seeps into your mind and awareness as a gradual integration. You will notice that moments of awakening repeat in numerous diverse forms becoming more advanced and embodied throughout your entire being and life. When you recognise and visualise the bridge of light between your physical reality and spiritual being allowing yourself to view both realities as one beyond separation, you create this as an experience. The experience is enhanced dramatically by your peace with and feeling of being truly content with your physical reality upon the Earth. Realise that everything is the perfection of the Creator even your physical reality and spiritual ascension. Your physical reality is extremely important in your ascension process as it is your canvas for expressing, experiencing and manifesting the Creator. |
‘I experience feelings of contentment for my life, the reality I live is the perfection of the Creator.’Whatever you choose as your intentions for your ascension and however you acknowledge your ascension know that you are travelling upon a golden pathway as a golden being, blessed, loved and supported in every moment. Your ascension is a joyous journey of self and Creator exploration which will awaken fulfilment within you whatever your focus, intention or purpose. Your spiritual growth flows eternally, as you discover peace and love within your being so you embody the abundant light of the Creator, perpetually raising your light vibration. It is your numerous experiences of exploration within accompanied with embodiments of consciousness and understanding that describe, create and steer your ascension process. ‘I embody the essence of my ascension now.’I, Master Kuthumi am present to support you in every stage of your ascension process. When your ascension pathway is unclear call upon me to bring forth clarity, understanding and deeper connection with the essence of truth within you. In eternal love, Master Kuthumi |
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