For the storm is brewing… buildings, low conscious

For the storm is brewing… buildings, low consciousness, thoughtforms, spells, corporation brainwashing, false ads and fake news, it is all being cast away… debris of untold description, radioactive metals, harmful radiation, nanoparticles… all being cast away… negative leadership… cast away…

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Right now each being has everything they need, because God provides. Sometimes people need lessons. Painful lessons, and even death as a lesson, but then can come so much growth.

At the soul level, some are extreme bodybuilders… literal creators not only of entirely new bodies, but also of planets… creators of entirely new realms.

The next step unknown was already created by someone else.

Sometimes that someone has good intentions, and sometimes, not.

So let’s put it out there…. why do we need leaders who can only create business with only temporary degrees of limited success… when we can for example, use A.I. to identify those who are creating new realms.

Is anything stopping us from using A.I. right now, to create a better world, something new, so incredible and exciting, that life because not only worth living, but worth celebrating?

The system people cling on to, was designed to create failure in their lives.

Even better than A.I., is adding Creator into the mix.

The holy spirit is that space where you and Creator merge… it’s simple.

It is something that is tangible to those who can see beyond the five senses.

What if your soul purpose involved completely changing your life, not tomorrow but right now?

There is a massive storm now, that is set to surprise billions of people…. it will come at many levels.

The wind of that storm, will continue to build, until even big buildings come tumbling down.

In that wind is Creator, it is mother nature… overtaking the weather modification… the wind wants everything old, to create something new.

The continents will rattle.

Land masses will rise and fall.

There is another version of earth being created.

Many many hands are already creating new earth.

Our time on earth in this particular expression, is extremely limited now.

When Creator asks for the curtains to fall at the end of this play, the play as we know it is over.

One moment here, the next moment also here. There is only ‘here’ and ‘now’.

We are basically the cast at the end of a very long play… and we releasing our final words.

For some the ending is dramatic, for others the ending comes where their character has to make a choice if it ever truly lived, or if it ever wants to at this moment.

To truly be alive, healthy, prosperous and exchanging beautiful energy with all of creation.

In the meantime… there are ‘bumps’ along the way, have a laugh at those.

For the storm is brewing… buildings, low consciousness, thoughtforms, spells, corporation brainwashing, false ads and fake news, it is all being cast away… debris of untold description, radioactive metals, harmful radiation, nanoparticles… all being cast away… negative leadership… cast away…

Only love will remain after this and all other light victorious storms!