The Arcturian Council via Daniel Scranton, March 14th, 2019
Mindful Action ∞The 9D Arcturian Council

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.
We have been aware for quite some time of humanity’s willingness to engage in activities that you do not really want to engage in. We see you acting, doing, out of routine, and we see you taking action because you think you should, rather than because you want to take that particular action. And we say to all of you that one of the important things that you can do there in the fourth dimension is to be mindful.
So we are suggesting here that no matter what you are doing, you put your consciousness into it. Do what you do with awareness of what you are doing. Pay attention. Be curious about the thing you are doing as if you are doing it for the first time. Because if you are going to do something anyway, you might as well get something out of it. And when you are present with what you are doing, you are getting more of Source to participate. You are allowing more energy to flow through you because of your attention.
Now, this is very easy when you are doing something that you love to do, when you are doing something that you truly want to do. But when you are driving your car on the same road for the hundredth time, it’s time to make that drive more interesting. And we are suggesting that you be the ones to make it more interesting, rather than waiting for something outside of the car to happen, something that will excite you, or something to appreciate.
Instead of waiting for that to happen, see how present you can be while you drive. Focus on the feeling of the steering in your hand. Focus on the way your body feels in the driver’s seat, and of course, focus on your breathing. Focusing on your breathing is the quickest and easiest way to be present with what you are doing, and by consciously breathing you know you are activating more of Source and inviting more of Source to come and play with you in that seemingly very mundane activity.
Of course, we also suggest that you wait until you genuinely feel inspired to do something before you do it. But for those of you who find yourselves in positions where you have to do that thing that you don’t really want to do, this being mindful trick is the key to bringing more spice into your lives, and isn’t that something you all want?
We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”
Purchase The Arcturian Council’s book, Ascension: The Shift to the Fifth Dimension, on amazon here