Lisa Renee Report, September 15th, 2019
Time Shift Blog
Personal Autonomy in Manifestation

Humanity must learn the mental discipline of controlling impulses that lead to thoughts and feelings, as well as directing the focus of where we place our attention. The higher dimensions are subjected to the Natural Laws, where forms of thought create energetic alignments that synchronize with the trinity waves and thus, lead to instant Manifestation.
Manifestation occurs by using focused thought substance, the raw materials energized by our emotional bodies natural state when we feel the joy of creating, which is the inspiration of vital forces. Developing control over our mind is the critical factor in our ascension and transformation process. The skill set of directing our attention is necessary in cellular Transfiguration, in order to experience these higher realms of co-creating and manifestation within the trinity wave architecture that is connected to the Christos. Hence, human beings are getting the quick study of learning the art of manifestation in the current terrain of rapidly changing architecture. And this is not a basic course study my dear awakening friends. This is going from kindergarten to master or graduate level, in a very short time frame. And on some days this earth school curriculum can be quite tough!
When we perpetually turn our attention to the patterns of spiritual perfection, that are inherently aligned within our Higher Self and Christ Mind, we place ourselves in service to our highest selves and we magnetize our ultimate manifestations, as designed by our inner spirit. Our light can then flow into these patterns of spiritual perfection, empowering them without limit, and the appearance of the imperfection that conflicts with those patterns starts to dissolve away. When this process is happening, day after day, we build the positive power within our consciousness that along with the strength that is gathered from consistency in spiritual practice, transcends the onslaught of external negativity or adversity when it may come our way.
We must remember that when focusing or obsessing on our fears held in the shadow self, it may manifest the very things that frighten us the most. This can weaken our energy field and open us to experience negativity in situations, which ultimately is our personal lesson to overcome. There is a balance required to be effective at clearing fears and emotional conflicts that is very important to our continued progress on the path of personal spiritual growth. It is not productive to deny negativity, or evil for that matter, when it does exist in this reality and it does impact us every day in the 3D world. Ultimately, when we are connected to the inner spark of our eternal spirit body, there is nothing to fear within negativity, as the permanence of who we really are cannot be threatened on the external. See Overcoming Fear.
Systems of Energy
Manifestation is the result of personal belief systems and how the accumulation of those beliefs over time will make up the experience of a station of identity, while in a consciousness hologram or Reality Bubble. It is important to understand that in our world and in all creation, that all systems of energy are connected to larger systems of energy, that help to organize and define what that consciousness energy will actually become. We can direct Negative Polarity, Positive Polarity and Neutral point as positions for energy to manifest, and the quality of the manifested thing will reflect that same vibration within the creation point of its structure.
Systems of consciousness energy are directed through Architecture that has been designed and built upon the concepts, ideas and thoughtforms which are ultimately based upon the first consciousness laws set forth by the Astrological Precession or Aeon. In the previous cycle, humanity has been enduring a Dark Aeon and has been subjected to covert artificial machinery and Mind Control imposed by the Controllers, which is now in transition and coming to an end. Individuals are subjected to the Architecture that the larger system of energy has generated from the majority of collective consciousness thoughtforms, along with their soul group and the superimposed Mind Control from the NAA, until they awaken and seek inner truth within their own thoughtforms and beliefs. When we seek spiritual truth from within ourselves, we begin to pull away from the unconsciousness streams of the larger systems of energy and start to direct our consciousness towards building an Architecture for higher spiritual expression and Personal Autonomy. Thoughts become substances that crystalize manifestations, and the crystalline substance is composed of patterns of frequency that project the Hologram of one’s experience from within a creation point. To change our consciousness experience within the creation point and live in the joy of higher expression, we must change our inner Architecture to become a spiritually healthy dwelling that honors and houses our inner spirit.
Personal Autonomy
Personal Autonomy is the capacity to make an informed, un-coerced decision for oneself and to pursue that course of action in one’s life, to be self-governing towards free expression as long as these actions do not infringe on others liberties and freedoms to exist as they are. Autonomy is the concept of protecting the right of each individual to develop one’s own unique self, giving them freedom of expression as long as it does not generate harm towards others right to exist. Autonomy allows people to choose for themselves what is in alignment to their interests, and that social structures refrain from infringement of those rights unless they are incapacitated from making choices based on Informed Consent. When individuals have a concept of Personal Autonomy, they own their own actions and have the opportunity to live in their personal truth, which builds confidence, critical thinking and strength in their purpose in life and manifestations. However, as we make informed decisions for ourselves, in some cases we must consider unified cooperation or reasonable interactions that are required to achieve the balance in our decision making, that allows us to develop and exercise our right to live in autonomy while living in a world with many others.
The concept of Personal Autonomy takes on a multidimensional orientation when recognizing the existence of consciousness as an intelligent energy, along with the structural anatomy of the consciousness bodies of Soul, Monad and Avatar. In this context, personal autonomy is defined as the most coherently harmonized and highest spiritually embodied person, as a station of identity travelling freely on multiple dimensional planes, as autonomy and freedom are the natural state of existence for the eternal living spirit. The complete soul-spirit body infuses the personality to align itself in accordance to the Natural Laws through synchronistic alignment and natural self-governance by living in truth, as it is. When we are existing as our true selves, our natural state of being aligns us to divine laws, and we are removed from artificial laws and synchronistically self-organized into direct connection with our Source. This means we have removed authority to serve the ego or manmade laws, and instead align to the higher authority of serving our spiritual expression and inner truth based upon the divine laws. This changes the fundamental basis of our manifestations in the world, as we create with intent to align to our highest spiritual blueprint, and allow that expression to be freed from the rigid control of the egoic mind.
Self-Actualization and becoming an authentic and awakened human being, knowing the higher identity and divine purpose for allowing our unique expression to permeate our personal manifestations, is the goal of spiritual ascension. Awakening to embody our soul and spirit is to ultimately achieve self-realization into complete personal autonomy governed by our higher consciousness, which grants us spiritual freedom and Cosmic Citizenship beyond the fetters of time. To achieve Self-Ownership, one must make the effort to know their innermost selves, understand how their body and consciousness works, and become aware of personal motivations and perceptions that influence their life decisions and quality of lifestyle. To master ourselves on the earth plane is to attain self-mastery, which is the process by which a person may have the freedom to take control over the direction of their own life, body, mind and spirit. To accept Personal Autonomy or sovereignty over one’s complete self, also means that person must accept Self-Responsibility no matter what has happened to them. As you increase your use of free will, you also increase the responsibility for your own actions and reactions. Taking ownership over your life and manifestations, becoming the captain of the ship which fully directs your consciousness body.
(Source: ES News – Changing Architecture and Individualism, Autonomy and Self Leadership)