Saint Germain: A Great Split in Reality

Saint Germain: A Great Split in Reality

Channel: Chellea Wilder | Source

Greetings my Earth Family, I am Saint Germain,

Currently, on Earth, numerous individuals are challenging the established norms and rejecting mainstream narratives. This societal shift towards questioning traditional beliefs and institutions is indicative of a broader movement towards the Collective Ascension of Humanity.

Humans are increasingly recognizing the importance of independent thought and are refusing to conform to outdated paradigms that no longer serve their best interests. However, while on One side there is an awakening occurring and growing on a massive Scale, on the Other side there is a much different reality occurring.

Within the Collective consciousness of Humanity, a profound shift is unfolding, marking a distinct separation among individuals. This split in the Human consciousness is a result of a very large portion of the Human collective that do not want to let go of their established beliefs and Ideologies. These Beliefs are what keep them submissive to the systems of Control within the Matrix.

Those who cling to outdated belief systems find themselves grappling with a sense of loss as their familiar ideologies are challenged. The interplay of religion and political beliefs, rooted in notions of separation, poses a significant obstacle to the spiritual evolution of many. These individuals remain entangled in illusions, seeking salvation from external sources rather than recognizing the inherent divinity within themselves.

The notion of someone external coming to their rescue diverts their attention from the fundamental truth that resides within each human being. The realization that the essence of God permeates every individual on Earth underscores the importance of treating one another with reverence and respect.

As this awakening unfolds, those who embrace this truth find themselves on a transformative journey towards Inner-discovery and a deeper connection with the divine essence that unites all of humanity.

With the split in the Human Collective widening, the question is, will this split in consciousness affect the Earth and her ascension.

In understanding the Earth’s Evolution, One must first understand that, she is a sentient soul, who had made an active choice to help her Human Children Grow. It is understood that Mother Earth, throughout many thousands of years, had chosen to maintain her presence within the realms of lower vibrations, a decision made in order to provide a conducive environment for the growth and development of humanity. In this cycle of her ascent, as she is within the Photon belt, she has made the Choice to raise higher into the 5th dimension, stepping out of the Material universe. To allow this, a divine Order has been implemented, to Jump her into the 5th dimension, by use of a celestial event.

However, As the journey of humanities evolution unfolds, it becomes apparent that not all individuals will resonate with the higher frequencies necessary for ascension. Due to the diverse and often divergent paths taken by souls on their spiritual journey, many will continue to find themselves aligned with the lower vibrations, unable or unwilling to transcend to higher states of consciousness.

One intriguing speculation that has emerged from this contemplation is the possibility of a split in the fabric of reality itself. From a perspective that takes into account the fluid nature of timelines and dimensions, it is theorized that there exists a potential for a division to occur. This division would give rise to separate timelines, each hosting a distinct reality, where humans would navigate their existence based on the vibrational frequencies they are attuned to.

In this scenario, the idea of a split in the Fabric of your reality, opens up a realm of challenges for humanity. It beckons Humans to consider the reflection on how your choices and vibrations shape not only your individual journeys but also the collective destiny of the Human Race.

As you stand at this crossroads of your evolution as an Individual and as a race, the Ascension is unfolding before you, inviting you to explore the depths of your souls and the boundless potential that lies within.

The division among humanity is rooted in the deep embedded belief in separation. They fail to see the Interconnectedness of all Life. This is where some individuals claim to possess God within themselves, while believing others do not. They believe this because of deep-seated beliefs in their religion or political ideas. Placing Judgement on other’s actions, or how they may look, or because of whatever religion the Other person may believe in. This misconception leads to a rift that is hindering the spiritual growth of many.

Every soul no matter whether you consider it evil or Dark is still a Child of the Infinite Creator. A Child of God, whether directly or even indirectly through another creation, as Long as it is an actual Organic Soul. Every Soul is on a spiritual Journey, whether they are ascending now or Not, and are Very precious to the Infinite Creator.

To progress in your own personal spiritual journey, it is crucial to embrace unity and oneness, recognizing that all beings are manifestations of the divine light. This does not mean you Must Love them, or have care for them, What it does mean is to respect them as another Spark of God.

It is time to shed any notion that sets you apart from your fellow humans. Clinging to notions that you are somehow better or above others, only serves to impede your own spiritual evolution. By relinquishing the urge to distance yourself from others, you align yourself with the unity or Oneness of God.

I share with you now, the Violet Flame. Allow it to engulf you, dissolving any Negative attachment to separation you may have.

May Peace and Love be with you.

I am Saint Germain.