A Spiritual Rebirth

A Spiritual Rebirth

Greetings to You! From heart to heart in this moment we speak, I am Kejraj.

Phone and internet outages will become more frequent, with ‘cyber attacks’, as experienced in recent times.

This is just preparation for the November timeline. The dark plans to unleash everything(cyber attacks, viruses, economic collapse), to keep its stronghold on humanity. We ask that you do not give into the fear and drama that is to playout on the world stage.

The breaking point will be reached and the masses begin to revolt, but the question is will they truly understand what is taking place? Why is their reality crumbling?

No leader is going to save America or the old world. The matrix is on a count down timer, for it has reached its expiration date. This is simultaneous with the count down to your days remaining in the current reality of the Third Dimension, and being uplifted into a new realm of light.

The constructs of the old system are not being taken away from you. In truth, humanity as a collective has agreed on a higher level to release and transcend the current illusion.

There are leaders whose roles are to try and make the transition into the new realm as smooth as possible by letting people know that it’s time to move forward and away from the clutches of the dark rulers of the Third Dimensional reality.

It is time to open up to new possibilities and ways of being, for you have been shifting since the Harmonic Convergence of 1987, and many even before that. Your very cellular structure is changing, and expanding in consciousness. You are going through an upgrade and a spiritual rebirth, where you emerge as your true Soul Being, and live as the Divine Creator intended.

All this begins with love, with the opening of your heart, releasing the fears, and embracing the change, leading you into the awakening of your Divine Self towards the realm of the Fifth Dimension.

All the light to You.