The High Council of Sirius: You’re Experiencing a

The High Council of Sirius: You’re Experiencing a Time-Warp

Channel: Chellea Wilder | Source

Greetings, we are the High Council of Sirius.

Currently, many people who are actively aware of their spiritual Journey, are experiencing a major alteration in your time perspective. One day Time may seem like it’s crawling, and the Next day, it seems to speed by, or you even have lost time altogether. As you are in the midst of your Ascension, you are raising your vibrations on a conscious Level. This is resulting in your awareness of time fluctuations, as you move in and out of the space-time continuum. This is what you would consider as Time warps or shifts, as you jump in and out of different vibrational frequencies.

Humanities understanding of the perception of time, is an aspect of human consciousness that influences your daily experiences, and interactions with the world around you. As individuals embark on their journey of Ascension, they may begin to notice a subtle yet significant shift in their perception of time. This transformation becomes particularly pronounced as one’s vibrational frequencies increase, signaling a deeper alignment with the higher states of consciousness of the 5th dimension.

Contrary to the linear understanding of time commonly held by humans, time is a complex and multi-layered concept that transcends your conventional perceptions. It is not merely a one directional flow from past to present to future, But exists as a continuous moment of Now. When you witness the essence of time, you will then realize that it is intricately connected to the vibrations and frequencies that you are holding within.

Lower vibrations, characterized by denser energies, often create a sense of time moving slowly, as if every moment is stretched out and elongated. In contrast, higher vibrations, associated with lighter and more expansive energies, give the impression of time flowing faster and more seamlessly, almost as if it is fluid and malleable. This interplay between vibration and time not only influences your perception of reality but also can open you up, to insights into the nature of existence itself.

As one’s vibrations elevate, a newfound sense of timelessness begins to emerge, leading to a reorientation in the way time is perceived and understood. Rather than being bound by the linear constraints of past, present, and future, individuals may find themselves existing in a state of eternal now, where the concept of time as a linear progression loses its hold.

At the Peak of this transformation, lies the 5th dimensional level of vibration. This is where individuals can truly break free from the confines of time, and establish a more fluid and harmonious connection, within the Higher dimension.

In this state of heightened awareness and vibrational frequency, time ceases to be a rigid and linear construct but becomes a malleable and dynamic force that can be consciously navigated and harnessed.

This transcendence of time constraints not only liberates individuals from the pressures of past and future but also empowers them to live more fully in the present moment, where all possibilities and potentials converge in a timeless dance of creation and manifestation.

When you raise beyond the material realms, you step outside the confines of this timespace, which is the conventional framework within which you experience time.

By transcending the limitations of your linear understanding of time, you can access the ability of a unique form of time travel that enables you to navigate through timespace itself.

This form of time travel allows individuals to move beyond the boundaries of the space-time continuum and access different points in time or alternate timelines, offering a glimpse into the possibilities that exist beyond your immediate reality.

This extraordinary ability to traverse through time is what allows many members of your Star Families to be present in these moments.

It is a Universal gift that transcends the limitations of linear time, enabling these individuals to exist simultaneously in different epochs and realities. Through this temporal fluidity, they are able to witness and participate in key events across the vast tapestry of existence, connecting with their ancestors and descendants in a direct way.

As they navigate the currents of time, these individuals carry with them the wisdom and experiences of countless lifetimes, shaping their perspectives and guiding their actions in the present moment.

Embracing this new shift in your perception, which is being in this present moment of Now, can lead to a more expansiveness and enrich your experience of reality. This new perception of your reality, will help you to navigate the warps of time. If you are experiencing these warps, remember that you are honing in on your new-found abilities to transcend Time and Space, given to only those who are ascending into Higher Light.

We Love you, and Honor you, we are the High Council of Sirius.