New Gateways Open: Utilizing the May 19-21 Cosmic Triggerfrom Sandra Walter |
Blessings Beloved Light Tribe ~ I AM guided to remind everyone just how powerful this weekend is, and will be for Lightworkers. Be diligent with your Gridwork! Many of you are feeling the massive Gateway which opened on Tuesday for this trigger. May 19-21 is our focus point, with the initial acceleration lasting through the New Moon on Thursday May 25. This Gateway amplifies the magnetic shifts that were caused by the Primary timeline Ascension of Gaia on the 12-12-12. This light is reverberating through the dimensions and densities, and causes crystalline core expansion in Gaia, which in turn causes expansion in our consciousness. The Universal rewrite, commanded from Source itself, is shifting the magnetics of the lower dimensional torus fields and grid systems. The higher trajectory of Ascension is vibrating through the lower realities. This Gateway opens the higher pathway for the August transitions, and will be honored accordingly. Each of the Gateway adjustments this year has been a palpable experience for the Ascending collective, providing a heightened experience of Primary Timeline for many. Feel into the larger perspective; the acceleration of goodness is a complimentary point of focus. |
Gatekeepers, Gridworkers, Lightworkers: Primary Timeline ChoiceMany are noting shifts in skill sets, purer expression of the Higher Self, and heightened states of Embodiment during this passage. There is an active alignment presenting this weekend which is key to the 2017 timeline split. Do not let this cosmic trigger pass you by; it is key for aligning with the trajectory of the Primary Christed Ascension timelines. Drop unnecessary distractions and get out on Gaia. Our Gatework and Gridwork is focused on revealing the experience of Ascension as a palpable reality for anyone choosing the path of Love. Yes, we are opening those pathways for anyone even close to the vibrational match of the higher timelines. That is our service this year; to offer this higher reality to any willing Soul. This weekend also reveals our personal timeline choices, and the requests of our Higher levels are clarified. Our Creator skills get fully empowered during this passage, if we allow the Higher agenda to direct us. Meditate, listen, learn, feel through the heart. Command the higher reality to step forth. We are different beings than we were in 2012; it is a key moment to fully embrace the higher wisdom we have attained, and demonstrate it in our service work. Let us use this Gateway to its fullest capacity. Our New skills overwhelm the remnants of old self, old realities, old beliefs. May we co-create global peace, harmony, stability and pure LoveLight for everyone choosing the Ascension experience. In Love, Light and Service, |
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