Mira and the Pleiadian High Council via Valerie Donner, May 1, 2020

A Channeling from Mira and the Pleiadian High Council through Valerie Donner May 1, 2020
Greetings, I am Mira from the Pleiadian High Council. I am serving full-time on the Earth Council to assist the earth with the Ascension process. We are masters of this process and help many other planets.
As you have discovered, the earth is full scale on with her ascension. Right now, she is treasuring some of the silence and the quiet as a result of the lockdown. I call it the lockdown because what you are living in right now is typical of a Quarantined planet. We are sorry to say that this is the situation, however, it is what is necessary to awaken humanity and to free the earth.
Ascension is a painful process of birthing and releasing the old. There is simply no point of hanging onto a cocoon of familiarity when there is a golden opportunity of transformation and transfiguration. This applies individually and collectively. These opportunities only present themselves at the right divine timing and the right divine perfect moment.
Of course, the cast of characters is long and complex. One has to see and understand what is occurring on multiple levels and dimensions. The obstacles need to be removed so that the way can be cleared for the truth and revelations.
We understand what you are going through, the pain, the suffering, the stress, and anxiety. We bless every one of you and wish that we could alleviate your challenging experiences right now. We are watching over you along with many from the Light Alliance and all of creation. We are your greatest cheerleaders and are energetically assisting you to reach the destination.
You are loved, respected, protected and admired beyond measure.
It has taken the best of you to make it possible for the ascension to occur. Please do not give up! You are nearly at the finish line. Do not succumb to the fear the dark forces are spreading. You are a part of the divine plan not the dark plan. They are acting out right now because they know they have already lost. Therefore, they are behaving badly and should be sent to their rooms but not on the earth.
Soon the day will come, and you will be uplifted into the light of the Golden Age. You will be free to love each other, touch, hug, kiss, and live heart to heart as you were intended to live. You will be free from fear and darkness. You will help heal each other and the earth in peace, love, joy, and freedom. We are aligned with you for this to happen.
And so it is!
I am Mira and I love and bless you all.