The Blue Avians: Meeting Your Future Self

The Blue Avians: Meeting Your Future Self

Channel: Octavia Vasile | Source

What if we told you that you could meet your future self?

You’ve likely heard stories about how interacting with your past self could create a paradox, with unpredictable consequences. What if we asked you to release those stories and embrace a new vision? There are multiple timelines, and you can easily connect with a version of yourself similar to you in many ways—but not exactly you.

Indeed, you cannot travel back and forth on the same timeline, because that would create a paradox. However, temporary portals have been installed and have existed since ancient times across your entire planet. Through these portals, you can access different parallel realities.

As you read this message, one of your versions is likely trying to contact you. Have you ever felt a presence close to you, as if someone were there, even though you couldn’t see them? Many times, future versions of yourself will try to contact you and guide you in creating a better version of this reality.

So, would you like to meet yourself in the future? Or perhaps in the past?

We are the Blue Avians, the guardians of the passages of time. We know the of certain temporary portals on Earth, and we wish to connect you with various versions of yourself, so you can expand your consciousness.

Have you ever visited a place that felt mystical to you? Perhaps you felt the urge to stay longer and had different visions? Sacred places on Earth facilitate such connections and even teleportation to another time. Don’t worry, you will return before anyone notices your absence.

Vibrational keys, established long ago by the Brothers of Light, have the potential to open these portals. It is about possessing the key and having a clear intention. We will offer you both the key and the intention, so you can access the portal and connect with parallel versions of yourself.

Please remember to call upon us. We will guide you forward. Affirm: “I am ready now to move freely between realities and to explore multiple possibilities of this reality.